Originally Posted By: Kanektok Kid

Told us 'upstairs' thought it looked like Sky River, and one of the bigwigs had a 'bad feeling' regarding anything that looked like Sky River.

My good friend Betty Nelson (RIP) hosted the original Sky River. I didn't attend it because I hadn't moved to Washington State yet. Her son Ward played in a band I managed and we would talk about it often. Several years back there was a huge (2 full pages) article in the Sunday Seattle Times, or PI about Betty, Sky River and her Art. Woodstock and Sky River set the bars for what's now considered unreachable heights. The so called bigwigs you mention were probably the clueless, racist, hippie hate'n, "Easy Rider" type rednecks that thought smoking Pot was dangerous and evil.

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein