Yep I Have a 16' Arima. The 70hp pushes Three guys, gear, and a hold full of ice at 30mph S.O.G at W.O.T.

Baddawg, I mounted up the third DR behind the bait/storage well, starboard side. It sits on a elevated swivel mount so I can center the cable some. I can post a pic of it if you want.

+10 on what WN1A said. I can splash and dash in 2-3 minutes typically. Pull up, park IN your ramp lane, unstrap tie-downs, un-clip the oh-sh!t chain, back her in and be gone.
Typically Shilshole launches go pretty quick, and really get backed up around the time the Coho Derbies get going. A lot of guys wont get up for a 4am launch. For me, I'd rather launch there than run up to Mukilteo or Everett. On decent water I can get to PnP in 35 minutes, Lagoon in an hour.

You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"