I believe it was mid-Nov. Unfortunately the report I sent to NWFishing never got posted (another reason why I added saltwater to our site. mad ) Anyway, that should be right and it should be good through the end of the month.
The weight is a small piece of drift pencil lead, just enough to allow a good cast. We used a sliding setup but I doubt it matters.The fish we caught took on the upper half of the water collum (sp).
This fishery is an anchor and cast fishery. I know that some troll but have never tried and really don't know what works. It's a blast to sit back and watch the boats and shore fishermen catching these chums! BTW, these are not bright fish and I've only caught one that I would consider taking home to eat. This is combat fishing, but I know there are spots along Hood Canal that are less crowded than Hoodspot. Hey, I don't mind it because I have no illusions about what to expect.
As far as which Wednesday in Nov, looks like I spoke too soon. I have two free Wednesdays - the 21st and 28th, and with the 21st I'll have to take my kids out of their half day of school. So I can only take one other angler. Man it's a drag working two jobs. Maybe I can squeeze out another day as I would be happy to take some of you guys along.

[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: MikeC ]
Mike, Editor "Featuring readers lake and saltwater reports."