Originally Posted By: claybank
Sweet, I think I'm ready! Being new here I just thought I'd be "That Guy" on the Chum thread and was just fukin with ya... Anyhow long time fisherman and hunter. Dedicated Steelheader. Don't floss, snag or bonk wild Steelhead because it's a fuked up thing to do! Anyhow howdy and I'll do my best to contribute when and where I can. Is that guy Boater for real....

How should one floss or snag wild coho? I've heard Cowlitz is the place to go havent been there but my buddies said it was a great place to go is it too early it seems too early but u guys are the experts so i was wondering if you thought it was too early or was it the right time should i use corkies what do you think i would love to hear what you thought about the topic what would you use where would you go would you bank fish would you take your float tube would you use trebles if legal would you release any dark ones or just smoke em up i know i sound like a total troll but i hope someone answers my questions thanks in advance
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