that kinda looks like me, but my dog would whoop that mutts a$$...

when i first got him, i was staying at a friends house, and they had 4 Lhasa Apso's and a large Golden Retriever, they were decent dogs, never bit, nothing... i needed to take a shower, and didnt want him to pee in the house as i was stopping that, so i put him outside ... when i got out of the shower, i heard noise and go outside, and all 5 of the dogs are chewing on him, trying to rip him apart, litterally...

that was 3800 for the surgery on a dog that was probably, maybe 6 months old....

the glue incident, he didnt eat for a few days, and started getting sick, well, if you know anything about Gorrilla Glue, it expands roughly 3 times its size as new liquid... they pulled a nearly bowling ball size of glue out of his stomach ( my mom picked the dog up from the vet while i was at work) and brought it home in a 2 gallon baggie...

that was 3200....

i have 7 grand tied up into this bonehead, and hes been worth every damn cent....