Boeing jet aircraft are riveted "hulls." Think about that the next time you're cruising at 36,000'.

Some riveted hulls do leak. Lunds are least likely to be on that list, which is not to say it never happens. I haven't seen it personally tho.

Had a welded Alumweld Sea Dory. Aluminum welds cracked all along the chine. Basically had to have them re-welded, stem to stern.

Choosing a boat is inevitably a series of compromises, even if fuel and money are unlimited. A windshield and canvas can be really nice in foul weather, which is common on PS. However, the OP mentioned fly fishing for salmon and sea run cutthroat among his primary uses. Fly casting is not all that compatible with windshields and canvas tops. Even when removed, the fastening points remain as nuisance line catchers. It seems like it's hard for responders to make recommendations with the OP's intended uses foremost in mind.