Old timer here.......I remember the days of seemingly endless wild steelhead. Lot's of big fish, 20+, from many rivers in my part of the State.

Gill netting, more sport pressure.....has reduced the Wild steelhead numbers to a fraction of historical numbers. Now, in my area, no wild steelhead are legally allowed to be taken. In my life time, in this area, there will never be another fishery for Wild steelhead.

No hatchery steelhead....NO STEELHEAD fishing...in the Chehalis, the Satsop, the Wynoochee, the Humptulips, and other smaller rivers.

Sure I know, where to go to legally catch a wild steelhead.....and most others on PP know the same. I'm here to tell you, if hatchery fish are shut off.....the horde of fishermen will head to wherever it is legal to do so.........ya know what that means??????
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"