Originally Posted By: Chuck S.
The state is not above the law. If a permit is required, get the stupid permit and move on. The so called threat from the state not to dump fish because they choose not to be compliant is a bigger joke than any lawsuit.

Originally Posted By: Todd
I'd wager that WDFW/NOAA-F will get their collective schit together and the permits will be forthcoming, and the programs will continue on just as they have the last several years.


I agree and with pressure comes results.

In the end the injunction had nothing to do with DFW being in compliance. The state did what was requested in the same manner every hatchery program in the PNW has done.

Keep in mind there will still be a hatchery steelhead program operating under the same, but revised, HGMP which has not been approved by NOAA and has not been issued NEPA coverage.

Are you aware how many hatchery programs in Washington, Oregon and Idaho are fully covered? How about separate permits require for fishing over listed stocks? The options are either do what is requested while managing in a responsible and defensible manner and continue operation (or fishing); or, voluntarily cancel all hatchery programs because the feds don't have the ability to do what is required to protect the states and tribes.