So is this letter asking for additional fee increases? Sounds like the Discover Pass debacle all over again.

Me and every hunter who accesses state land now pays more for the same land we had access to before. The downside is WEYCO, Green Diamond and the like have increased their fees forcing people off of their lands and increasing the pressure on the state lands I and many other people hunt.

Add to this the WFC lawsuit that shut down steelhead hatchery production on Puget Sound rivers, funneling more pressure on the rivers I fish in the county I live in. Will the decreased hathery production also apply to salmon and therefore have an effect on the Puget Sound salmon fisheries? I haven't looked into the lawsuit details, so that would be great if someone could clarify that for me. Thanks in advance for that.

Not a really big fan of paying more for access to what I have access to today. The promise of more opportunity rings hollow when no effort is made to decrease the number of fish caught in AK and Canada that are on their way to Washington.

Are we paying Canada money to lay off these fisheries? If so, what has been the net effect of that?

Sorry, but as a dad who has seen license fees for me and my boys go from $600/year to over a $1,000/year I am extremely skeptical.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.