Some thoughts on the bills from someone familiar with the process.

The "ding bat woman" is the sponsor of the bill you mention to put more commercials on the Commission. Chase from Shoreline has close ties to commercial fishing, I think from family background.

There's 7 on committee which takes 4 votes to pass out. Prime sponser is the Chair who is an R. He had 3 other R's to get the 4 plus possibly 2 other Ds. Didn't move the bill out by committee cutoff on Friday so its dead for this session. Same with Chase's bill to stack deck at the Commission. Both are dead for the session.

Leaves the question of the fee increases. HB 1563 by Blake raises taxes & fees on commercials. That was transferred out of his committee over to appropriations. It's still alive but the others didn't move. Course, anything can be added back in during passage of the final budget.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in