SG, I understand how complicated salmon interactions are and have observed a lower return of chum related to the pink cycle. I also know the chum salmon in those rivers were doing quit well even with large pink runs in the mix. I also know the chum were hammered hard when the Asian roe market demand raised the price of roe way up. I know you fish the Skagit and I'm sure you have noticed the drastic lower abundance of chum. It was only a few years ago the Skagit was full of chum, now so few it's closed to sport fishing? I'm having a hard time putting that much blame for that big of change in that short of time on humpies. I do remember when the Baker Dam operation dried up a bunch of chum reds and that didn't help so I'm not blaming it all on netters and that incident wouldn't have been so bad if the chums weren't already fished down to minimum escapement. All I can do is connect the dot,of which there are many, but I can't get past my observation of a more extensive targeting of chum for their roe. I just wonder about how the lack of nutrients from the chum salmon effect the overall carrying capacity of these rivers. I apologize for the lack of data. I tried to find catch records on WDFW but data is not up to date.