Originally Posted By: Steelspanker
Judging such incidents from afar is prone to errors. But here goes.

In this case, I think the cop did what was necessary. He apparently was defending himself against two violent a-holes who were attacking him.

But I have had a change of heart about the Pasco incident from a few months ago. I don't think those Pasco cops should've shot the dirt clod thrower afterall.

But regardless of the case, there is one way to avoid such situations completely: Don't resist arrest! Take your dispute to court!

I even knew that when I was a kid for chrissakes.

What if you grew up in Ferguson Ms where it looks like there was a scheme in place to arrest, ticket and fine mostly poor black residents to fund the police and courts. Cops, judges everyone were in on the program. So from the time you were a child you were harassed by the cops at every turn . Just living where you lived made you a suspect. Could your world view be different? Would you be more likely to defend yourself with more vigor? Do you think growing up white in a relatively crime free and safe environment. Where mommy and daddy drove you to your baseball practice and the only time you ever incountered the police , if at all, was the occasional ticket and when they showed up and an accident , in any case they typically had the same world view and therefore more than likely to help you out. Do you think that may shape your world view? Can you
Imagine if the patriots had the same view of the Brittish? Freedom is a right you have an obligation to defend and pass down to the next generation. Abdicating that right even slightly is just as appalling to some as resisting the government is to you. You certainly have the right to surrender yourself to the system and take your chances. We know they always get it right. Go take out more than 10k from your bank To buy a car and end up on a govt. list. Show a gun to a friend on a city street and get treated like an active shooter until you are able to convince the police that you are harmlessly exercising a cnsititional right. Some say We are living in a police state now more so than almost anytime in history. They would say This message is in a govt database, just hope that you did not take the money out and show a freind a gun on a city street while typing this because they collect all that info for what reason?

Edited by Lee Groinman (05/29/15 02:44 PM)
Once you go black you never go back