Originally Posted By: Silver1
My suggestion of the Elwah was strictly tongue in cheek. Don't expect any tribe with fishing rights to go along. Maybe I'm missing something. What would compel them too? JK tribe can't wait to get hatch in the Elwah, why would the others give up the right to maintain/establish Federal hatcheries or even their own? Seems like another lawsuit opportunity to me, state loses.

No, you're not missing the 800 pound gorilla. What may well be tested is the idea that the State has an obligation to continue to provide fish for tribal harvest. And if the State leaves a void how might the tribes take advantage? Will the State effectively abandon its position and leave the tribes to develop their own resources independent of any State control (the concept of co-management already seems to operate in a heavily one-sided manner)?

On the other hand there is the vision of WFC suing the tribes..... grin
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)