Originally Posted By: FleaFlickr02
Originally Posted By: TastySalmon
Originally Posted By: FleaFlickr02

We've also proven that hatchery fish do nothing to help wild stocks recover, and in fact, they may do more harm than good in that capacity.

Oh really? Where does this proof exist? I'd be interested in seeing the evidence, as would thousands of other people.

Easy there, Tasty. While I don't subscribe to any theory suggesting that hatchery fish are among the greatest obstacles to wild steelhead recovery, I think several decades of planting hatchery fish, without wild runs recovering, is pretty solid evidence that they haven't made any meaningful, positive impact on recovery. I suppose I should stop short of calling that "proof," but....

My point, like RUNnGUN's, was that it's probably time to rethink the purpose behind producing hatchery fish. I think they have significant value in places where degraded habitat makes in-river spawning largely non-productive. I can't prove it, but I have come to believe that their presence in systems with self-sustaining wild runs, while it does provide meaningful harvest opportunity, can have only negative impacts on the wild fish, if for no other reason than that they justify fisheries that impact wild fish, no matter how hard we try to avoid that result.

I don't advocate closing rivers designated as wild gene banks, but I do think C&R should be the only type of fishing allowed on wild stocks, regardless of how "stable" those stocks may appear. The rules would be much easier to write (and follow) without having to make exceptions for the sake of weeding out hatchery fish.

To the extent that a river system does not have a wild early steelhead run the planting of EWSH fills a nitch and provides both recreational opportunity and tribal commercial harvest values.

Any potential adverse impact upon wild fish by those fishing for EWSH can and is mitigated by early season closures on the EWSH.

Now, here is the rub. Your position is that any adverse impact on wild fish created by the presence of EWSH is unacceptable yet you propose a C&R fishery on those same wild fish which we all realize has some mortality as well as potential adverse impact on vitality.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)