Face it, Rich, you're a fuckin' ignoramus lacking enough education to know what a complete fuckin' idiot you are. You're the typical, uneducated, dumbfuck American that has led us to the point where bullsh!t is taken seriously, and idiotic "theories" like the hollow Earth theory are given consideration.

Here's a fact - the Earth isn't fuckin' hollow - your head is.

If the Nazis are so fuckin' smart, how come they lost the war by doing stupid fuckin' things like building V2 rockets instead of the Me-262, and engaging in a 2-front war, with one front in Russia - in the winter?

They lost because they were dipshits that gave credence to bullsh!t like the lost ark and hollow Earth theory instead of listening to the brilliant scientists they had, who came over here instead to build the atomic bomb, and end the war.

You should go fu.ck off and set yourself on fire. You're such a f'n donkey that you should be committed to an asylum and given electroshock therapy to see if that will rattle some sense into your thick skull.

You're a disgrace with your Nazi dick smoking, and stories of fuckin' gnomes and "interdimensional" beings. Back in the day, your ass would be an asylum and they'd dope you up on lithium so you didn't prattle bullsh!t all day.

You're a straigh-up kook. There is no sasquatch, no gnomes, and no hollow Earth, so fuc.k off, Nazi-lover.
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames