It also looks surprisingly exactly like a picture of a gorilla, or some clown in a gorilla suit. Doesn't look like it eats beef jerky at all. I wonder if the area where the pic was taken is "squatchy"?

The problem with Bigfoot hunters searching wherever they hear bloodcurdling screams that sound like a 14 year old girl watching a bad horror movie is that those sounds are always around wherever they are...ever watch those shows on TV? Every time any of them hears anything at all in the woods they jump straight up in the air and scream.

With all the fruitcakes in the woods looking for Bigfoot (and Gnomes, apparently) it is no surprise that they all hear high pitched screaming all night...they thing they hear Bigfoot, and scream back, then the other clown who screamed first now thinks he hears Bigfoot, and screams again.

Pretty soon they are all running thru the woods screaming...while the trail cams are taking perfect and unblurred photos of every single animal in the woods except, apparently, those that travel interdimensionally.

Why do the fruit loops always pick stuff to believe in that is literally impossible to prove or verify?

Answer that question and I think all the rest of the mysteries will be solved along the way.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle