Originally Posted By: Carcassman
Doesn't have to be adult. There are, at times, lots of coho available to sea-run anglers and those coho respond to c&r same as any other fish. Some die. I'd suggest it is more than are taken in a summer CT fishery in the Skagit and Stilly.

A lot has to due with fishing locations.
The fall and winter before last,I took 31 trips to the canal to fish searuns and encountered one coho. If a person wants to catch coho while searun fishing, there are certain beaches that would offer better opportunities to do so. With a bit of knowledge, you can certainly reduce the chance of coho encounters.
I do agree some of those coho will die.

I hear you about the trout fishing. One of my favorite streams is now closed. That our local streams can't grow large resident trout due to lack of bug hatches is bs.
Where I've been fishing this winter and spring I've encountered exactly two other anglers fishing that I didn't know. I've enjoyed the lack of pressure, good catches and the experience.
Has WDFW done a poor job of managing our resources. No doudt, but I'm not going to let them kill my desire to get out and fish.
At this point in my life, I'd rather enjoy my time on the water then dwell on the negative.
I'll continue to make calls, write emails etc to let people know my thoughts on our fisheries management.
Go Dawgs!
Founding Member - 2023 Pink Plague Opposition Party