Two comments. One to stir the pot because it is so much fun and the other to offer what has worked in the past.

The purpose of that Plan is to restore Chinook. It may actually take complete closure of us because nobody else will do **it like AK, BC, Tribes, Pinnipeds. They are looking for solutions and apparently the vise on the WDFW balls (the few remaining) are being squeezed. But, the measure of success is restoring the runs. If THAT does not happen, they need to do something different.

When I started in WDF it was at the height of the Fish Wars. I was in the Unit that managed the PS commercial salmon fishery. This was at a time when staff were physically assaulted, shot at, had boats rammed. We weren't popular and were not believed. So, we took the show on the road. We had meetings (open, public) with the netters. We laid out how we manage and why. What data we used, what the Courts had ordered. As a followup, we talked with whoever called/dropped by. We explained why this opened, why that closed. Eventually, we had their support. They might yell and scream about what we had done but it was venting. We also learned from them and many of the issues they raised got included in management or proposals we made were dropped as unworkable.

Trust and openess. I would add that we tried this with the Tribes with rather similar results. Honesty and a willingness to explain solve many problems.

As a side note, though, we actually managed the fish. Weekly updates of runs, daily updates of all catch so that when a decision was made (every Thursday from late July to early December) we had real numbers to act on.