Originally Posted By: JustBecause
Still works, we just don't like the outcome as much.

"It works" is a relevant term. To a dictator, shooting the opposition works...not so much to the opposition.

This brings to memory a comment Ron Warren made in our Oct 26th meeting when discussing the rec fishermen's opinion on the North of Falcon. Ron said, "We surveyed the tribes and they unanimously agreed the North of Falcon is not broken and working fine."

Thanks Ron for being concerned about YOUR stakeholders opinion!

We "simply" can't go on trust, when the evidence shows that WDFW is not trustworthy.

Maybe it's just me (and over five thousands others so far) who see there is no place in our fisheries for secret negotiations.

If your happy with the way things are being done, more power to ya, but I see room for improvement and it doesn't include being pushed off the water.
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)