Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
When you're short on words, it's convenient to say that Trump is a douche or a douche bag. But he's neither. Trump makes douches and douche bags seem quite socially acceptable.

Things that Trump is include:

1. a liar, pretty much daily;
2. a narcissist;
3. a megalomaniac;
4. a moron and imbecile, according to some of his advisors;
5. a cretin, based on ignorant things he says that the most people, even less educated than he, know;
6. an embarrassment to the country;
7. a likely danger to the country;
8. more likely than not, a criminal, just not convicted yet;
9. unfit for office;
10. . . . you get the idea . . .

Don’t forget to add xenophobe, racist, bigot, and misogynistic etc. to your list complements from MSM fake news propaganda narrative from the partial benefactor of the $4 billion pentagon media propaganda budget.

The law changed in 2012/13 under the Obama regime that propaganda from our own government can now be aimed directly at the American people for our own good...

Propaganda combined with treasonous people in the government that attempted to frame Trump while knowing full well that the unverified dossier was bogus when applying for warrants through the FISA court to spy and then frame an American citizen/ president.

There was no way Trump was supposed to win the election and if he did win ---frame him-- while trying to sway the public to be unknowingly compliant lackey’s. applause Good job folks. thumbs
The world will not be destroyed by those that are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.- Albert Einstein

No you can’t have my rights---I’m still using them