Originally Posted By: Hankster
He's a douche, alright.

I don't like him a bit, which is why I didn't vote for him.

But you gotta admit he gets things done and he's a helluva lot better than Stumbles sitting in the White House.

Hank, Can you tell everyone what he's accomplished? Before you say tax break remember that the majority of people on this site saw little or no gain from his so called tax break. Also remember Obama gave two tax cuts and Bush gave a tax cut as well. What he has done or will do is wipe out every environmental law devised to protect the citizens of this country and the world, given the rich more money, hired snakes and gators right out of the swamp he was going to drain, blames everyone for his fvckups, demeaned all of our law enforcement agencies, promised the unions he would take care of them and then just last week bad mouthed them, promised to lower drug costs and then hired the X-CEO of a drug company that raised drug prices many times over when he was the CEO to head the FDA, blames the Dems for making up the death toll in Puerto Rico, lied about his adventures with slimy hos, hasn't built a wall, hasn't got rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act (For the less informed on this site that's Obama Care), told hundreds if not thousands of lies since and before he was in office, shall I go on.....because there is so much more. So when you say he's accomplished a lot, you're really saying you love him and voted for him. Nice try Skankster.