My first suggestion would to take a basic intro flyfishing class or atleast a flycasting lesson or two because once you decide on the weight and length of rod, you must purchase a rod that suits your casting stroke, style and you enjoy throwing.
Any decent shop will let you chuck any rods you are intrested in, which will in the end, decide which rod you are going to purchase.
I own a GL3 and it is a great rod for the money but also take a look at the Sage VPS which isn't much more then then the GL3 or the Winston Ibis which is actually less and it is a 4 piecer.
You want a #8 rod, especially if you are going to chase after chums and big Skagit nates...and you want a 9'6" rod which allows you extra line control, added distance when you are waded up to your chest and better roll casting abilities.
The Sage VPS 9'6" #8 runs $350 and the Winston IBis 10' for a #7 runs $295 as does the 9'6" for a #8 while the GL3 runs right around $295 as well...but like I said, cast before you buy!!!
When purchasing reels always buy American made as they are machined to much better tolerances, come with lifetime warranties and certain models are not discountinued every other year.
I like both the Ross Cimmaron and the Lamson Velocity in the $150-$200 price range. I prefer the Velocity as it is a large arbor (faster line pick up, no need for line stretching) and a 100% sealed drag.
I own a couple of the Velocity's bigger brother, the Litespeed in both trout and steelhead sizes and they are by far my favorite reel!!
Just buy a Rio Versi-tip for now which gives you a floating line and 3 differnt sink-tips without the hassle and added expensive of buy extra spools.
In my own personell steelhead and salmon fishing, I carry 3 spools with me though. A straight long bellied floating line, a Rio Anadramous Dredger which allows me to fish 24' sink-tips of differnt rates (150, 200, 300, 400 and 500 grains) and a homemade sinktip system which lets me fish 15-18 tips of varying sinkrates...but if you want to keep it simple and yet mantain versatility, purchase the Rio Versi-tip.
Make sense??