Ah yes. The time Rich fed unidentified mushrooms to his young child and wife. What a glorious vomit and diarrhea festival that was. Good times.
Lol did that really happen?
It did.
He found some mushrooms and convinced himself he knew what they were. He asked us to verify we said we couldn’t over the internet and that the risks weren’t worth it if he doesn’t know for certain. I am pretty sure that Rich G is the type that gets galvanized when the “establishment” says no and just illogically goes where his gut says. So he fed them to his family and they got sick. The fact that Rich G came back and posted what he did after being so wrong wasn’t the scary part. The scary part was that he didn’t say I feel terrible and I will never do anything like this again and I will listen to experts when it comes to these types of potentially devastating decisions like feeding a family weird mushrooms. It was just the old, whoopsidoo.
After seeing Rich on tv shows and podcasts talking about conspiracies and bigfeet, and what he posted here, I am pretty sure that these types of people have some predisposition to believe the alternate reality and ignore all the wisdom and expertise available to them. It’s a massive ego thing I guess. Rich trusts his gut.....
Rich is the perfect example of why I do not believe in conspiracies yet he is the one on tv from time to time. What a strange time to be alive. People want to believe the BS more than the boring truth.