How does a company which has never made a profit in its history, only delivered 350,000 pre ordered vehicles last year become the most valuable company in the world? Keep in mind that Toyota delivered 10 million vehicles last year as comparison and TESLA is more valuable than Toyota. In-fact outside of Toyota and VW, TESLA is more valuable than the rest of the car manufactures combined yet it has never made a profit.
Since March the stock has risen from $400. per share to $1400.00 per share and the company is currently worth approximately 50 billion dollars. Keep in mind that manufacturing and selling automobiles is a low profit margin type of business. How is TESLA the most valuable company in the world? Is it based on pure speculation?
TESLA has not even figured out how to manufacture and sell cars for a profit even though they are subsidized, (credits) by the federal government. What do you think will happen to TESLA once the federal subsidies stop?
Who is the biggest share holder of TESLA, what percentage does he own? What happens when he cashes out?
I hope none of you people still own TESLA, you were smart if you saw it for what it was, got in, made money and got out. God forbid you still own it and think its a good investment.
TESLA is direct evidence of market manipulation and inflation.
Edited by RICH G (07/19/20 09:58 AM)