What a wild ruse the financial markets are. We get EARLY news of promising results in a vaccine trial and markets go completely apeshit. Entertainment and travel corps.' stocks are soaring. Meanwhile, tech stocks are dropping through the floor, based on some assumption that the pandemic is already over, so people are going to stop working remotely and watching Netflix and start jumping on airplanes and cruise ships.
These people are either very out of touch or completely unafraid to float any hope to make stocks go up for their own benefit. I'm going with B, since you can call stock brokers a lot of things, but naive about market trends usually isn't one of them.
Of course, if the vaccine works as well as it looks like it might, it WILL eventually be a tremendous boost to our economy, and there should be plenty of pent up demand for fun and leisure to get the money flowing big time. The trouble is that it will be at least a year before the vaccine is available to enough people to establish levels of immunity consistent with what we would need to return to unrestricted commerce.
These jumps and dips feel extremely premature to me. Not sure I'd buy anything (except maybe Pfizer and a couple bargain tech stocks that will be back up in a month) this week. OH - Whatever company is making the giant refrigerators to store the vaccine at -103 degrees would probably be another good one to buy. Of course, nobody's asking me for stock advice, and that's probably wise.