With one of my rare days off this time of year, I just tried to speak with Bill Freymund in the Montesano WDFW office. He told me that he would not speak with me on the basis that I placed data / comments from him on the site after our last discussion. Pretty sad, are they afraid that that people might see through the smoke-and-mirrors??
So, I'd urge you contact to him at 360-2749-4628 and ask him some hard questions that I have for the WDFW in the following note I sent to the Governor, Director of WDFW, and the WDFW Commission after he fefused to speak with me. If he doesn't want to talk with me and have me pass it on, perhaps he'd like to field a few dozens calls asking the same things!
Dear Fish & Wildlife Commission, Director Jeff Koenings, and Governor Gary
My name is Bob Ball, I'm a full-time steelhead and salmon guide that lives
in Forks and fishes the Quillayute and Hoh watersheds.
I am writing to you to voice a concern over a brief talk that I just had
with WDFW employee Bill Freymund in the Montesano office.
I called Bill to ask about the Department's take on the current poor returns
we are seeing on the North Coast Rivers. By the Department's numbers,
through the last update on your site, it is reported that only 302 steelhead
have been harvested by sports anglers on the Quillayute watershed thus far
this winter ... far, far below normal numbers.
When I contacted Bill, he told me that he would not discuss the matter with
me due to the fact that I placed data and a portion of his comments on my
website after one of our previous discussions and said that I would have to
place a written request to ask him any questions.
Given the very poor upstream escapement that we are faced with, I frankly
find it appalling that a regional biologist refuses to discuss what many of
us see as a crisis in this area. I believe that his refusal to speak with me
to be poor policy and counterproductive to the future health and management
of the North Coast rivers.
In addition to informing you of the aforementioned action of a Department
employee. I also wish to have a few questions answered if I may.
First of all, given the poor returns, higher than normal netting success for
the tribes, low snowpack leading to poor spawn survival this coming spring /
summer, closures in the Puget Sound region and the ensuing increase in sport
traffic on the North Coast streams - why has there been no move to protect
what few fish are making it up the river? Is it the Department's contention
that the returns are normal?
Secondly, in light of the Department's recent news release at:
http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/do/jan01/jan1801a.htm in which Regional Fisheries
Manager Tim Flint states "... that recreational crabbing must remain closed
to give tribal fishers an opportunity to catch their court-ordered share of
the overall allocation." I am looking for some insight as to why tribal
netting has not been reduced on our area rivers to allow the same "catch-up"
While I fully believe these rivers should be managed with a
catch-and-release requirement and a more conservative and less
harvest-oriented model, as it stands right now, the fishery is managed for
harvest like many others and I don't understand why the same type of closure
isn't implemented when the table is turned against sport anglers?
From the last report I received, tribal success was up over 250% on the
Quillayute systems, and 300% on the Hoh. Yet, sport catches have plummeted
this season both for C&R and harvest-minded anglers. Clearly, there is no
50-50 split currently in place, why has there not been an adjustment?
In addition, I urge you to follow the National Park Service's decision to
implement emergency regulation changes to full C&R on the Queets watershed
in response to poor returns. I see that the Humptulips has been closed to
all fishing as of March 1 - a situation that places severe negative economic
impacts on local businesses around that area. Please help avoid such future
closures in the Forks area by emplacing more restrictive regulations and
working to curb tribal netting in periods of such poor returns.
I thank you for your time and your response.
Bob Ball
Bob's Piscatorial Pursuits
Alaska / Washington Salmon, Steelhead, Halibut Fishing
312 Steelhead Ave Forks, WA 98331 (360) 374-2091
http://www.piscatorialpursuits.com "If it's wild, let it go!"