In case you do not often read the Everett Herald, Wayne Kruse writes a column that usually is included in the Thursday and Sunday editions. Wayne writes about a variety of outdoor activities including fishing and hunting and has been doing this activity for the Herald for 25 years. If you want to know the latest trends in any of these activities, especially new fishing “hotspots” Wayne would definitely to let you know. He has contacts with all the local guides, outfitters, WDFW, sporting goods retailers and probably some secret informants to boot! Wayne not only writes about our Puget Sound region but also includes a variety of exotic fishing/hunting destinations around the world.
Wayne Kruse’s columns always include the current trends, boat ramp checks and hot spots. What makes Wayne’s columns different is that he also includes all regional activities, both hunting and fishing, aimed at conserving and enhancing fish and their habitat. Wayne has been a great asset for all the outdoor recreational groups around, often publishing a list of who to contact no matter what your outdoor interests are. Kids and adults alike need this kind of information.
I have recently received information that apparently the Everett Herald is undergoing a budget crunch. New management has decided that the Herald does not need a full time outdoors writer. The Herald apparently feels that not enough readers are interested in outdoor activities to justify a full time outdoor writer like Wayne Kruse. This is extremely bad news. The major Seattle papers have given up on full time outdoor writers many years ago and now the Everett Herald wants to make Wayne’s job just part time to compile boat ramp checks? Give us a break! Give us a voice in the media!
I would like to urge Snohomish County recreational fishers and their friends to mount a barrage of snail mail, e-mail, voice mail etc to let the Everett Herald know that Wayne Kruse’s columns are the reason we subscribe to the their paper. We need to let the Herald know that they are wrong in thinking that there are not many outdoor recreational enthusiasts who read this publication. Snail mail address is Everett Herald, PO Box 930 Everett, WA. 98206. Phone #425-339-3000. Address your calls and/or letters to the Sports Editor, Bob Bolerjack or the Executive Editor, Stan Strick.