(I have pasted in a letter from Les Johnson begging for support to get Pete Van Gytenbeek confirmed on the WDFW commision. Pete has been leading the fight for statewide C&R and is being attacked because of it. It is imperitive that as many people as possible get letters to the both the Natural Resources Committee and the Ways and Means Committee urging confirmation of Pete. -- Duggan Harman)
I am writing about a critical situation regarding Wildlife Commissioner Pete Van Gytenbeek. There is a strong probability that Pete will not be confirmed by the Natural Resources Committee. The vote could take place this week. The reason for this action is very likely due to Pete's strong stand and promotion of catch and release of all wild steelhead. There are some old school "sportsman's" clubs that still believe in killing every steelhead they catch who are coming on strong against Pete -- and they do carry some clout with the Natural Resources Committee. If we lose Pete you can count on catch-and-release of all wild steelhead being a much tougher battle in the future.
I have attached the link for the Natural Resources Committee which includes the people you should write to if you support Pete's confirmation onto the Fish and Wildlife Commission and catch-and-release of all wild steelhead. Be sure to send letters to Ken Jacobson, Harriet Spanel and Bob Oke. Sending your letter to all of them would be best.
This is a very haphazard approach to the problem but we are so short on time that I can handle it no other way. I am pleading for support. Please send your letters and please try to get the word out to your various clubs to get a ton of letters on the way this week. I would like to be copied on all letters. We need Pete on the F&W Commission!
Finally, please get back to me with the names and vital information on the right people to contact in your club so that we can begin building a proper e-mail tree. Banding our clubs together to become a real legislative force is going to be an important tool in our ongoing battle to save our fish and natural resources. I am not asking your clubs to take a stand. I am asking the individual members of your clubs to take a stand. I promise you that the Wild Steelhead Coalition, an organization of which I am a board member, will take the fight to Olympia for all conservation-minded men and women whether they carry fly rods or drift rods..
Your help is critically important and greatly appreciated. Please get your letters out today and pass the word to your memberships to do the same. Thank you.
Les Johnson
Wild Steelhead Coalition
The addresses for the various committees are listed below.
Natural Resources:
Ways and Means