Ended a month of hell 8 hrs days on the reg job and 4--6 hrs after hrs on a friends 60'er rebuilding the state room and bath
the weather was goin to be calm and sunny and the tide was medium
that friday night I bought my licence and some tackle and some herring and well got out of the store with a 250.00 lighter wallet but this was goin to be the day the spring unwound and total bliss was to be experienced
filled the boat up ---greased everything in sight and not ---backed her in and the feeling was like when i was 6 and santa was expected that night
dreams of whales dancen around the boat chasen 60# salmon in a school of love around my boat as my golden hook was choice food of that moment

that saturday morning came upon me slowly
rechecked everything 2 hrs before daylight
got the thermoses full -- sandwiches made
and down the road i went with the biggest smile a man could muster
when i got to the ramp she was as empty as the desert
tide was up and the launch went with out a hitch
climbed aboard and hit the ole key
she fired up and was purrin like a kitten
i looked across the horizon and decided id go and hit some spots my ole man and i would troll and jig way back when ---was 18 yrs ago
she come up on plane in ten feet ( 50 johnson on a 14' fiberform

was shooten across the water at 60 and the opposit side was comen up fast
decided since i had this new reel and 300 yrds of this new fire line on the reel and it was 400 ft deep id stop and drop a 8 ounce lead to the bottom to seat the line
all went well and man that **** dont stretch
sat back and had a cup of coffee on flat blue water with the sun comin up and warmin the inner soul
finished tien up my herring
turned the key and varoom she didnt miss a beat
slid her into forward and and reverse and and back into forward and a little more throtle-----damn musta lost the cable
went back to investigate --pulled the cover ---moter idleing-- **** the little clamp on the shift cable was broken --
but this was my day and no way in hell i was goin to let this screw it up ---im a duck tapen --bail wiren expert--have gotten back home on a epoxied duck taped radiator and cooler water and well alot of recycled drinks
so my brain is runnin 900 mile a min and low and behold a set of chanel locks sitten on the seat
clamped them babys on the shifter rod out of the motor and pulled her forward ever so gently- and varooom she hit reverse and this big ole 8 inch wall of water decided to come up over the transom and proceed to fill the boat---brain is goin what the hell-----thank the fishen gods that them there vice grips where still attached---put her back in nuetral and step back
**** ive still got a nice little 1/2 inch water fall comen over the transom
start throughen the tackle boxes --cooler --gas tanks --and any thing else i could find up on the bow---and i still have water comen in so i hop up over the windsheild and low and behold the water stopped----
well 4 hrs later i got her rowed up to the shore and 50 dallors and a lot of beggin l i got a good ole boy to tow me back to my trailer across the sound
well the day i thought really sucked now ---

but the tide was out so had to sit and wait another 2 hrs till i could even attempt to get her on the trailer
then the wind came up----that damn northern wind is brutal

finally got the boat on the trailer and a wave would come up and launch her over the side of the trailer ---gotta love them--this went on for 3 attempts
finally got the her oughta the water in one piece and very friggen wet
was a grumblen and stompen around gettin her tied off and battend down for the trip home
when a fish cop comes up and asks how my day was ---well the poor guy -- he got an ear load lol but helped me get things unloaded and before i left i made a friend
so im headen out the drive and come upon the highway
its clear no cars and i ease on out ---and ill be damned if murphy didnt grab that damn boat and throw it off the trailer
i look back in my mirror and and see this all in slow motion ----after a few seconds of goin over the days moments i just stomped on the peddle
found a drive about a 1/4 mile down the road and pulled over on the side
now ive just had it -----long month ---beutifull day gone to hell and a boat that is sitten beside the trailer
i reach in and grab a beverage and am standen at the back of the mess and thinken --just match it ---
but finally i come to my sences and grab the handy man and a block of wood and comence to jack
to make a long story short -----that was my worse fishen experience---and i celebrated with rape and run that night -----and damned if i didnt pay again the next mornin
but a bad day fishen is better than a bad day at work