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#111957 - 04/17/01 10:05 PM BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?

We've had some funny fishing story and treacherous fishing story threads. I think it would be entertaining to read some real good ones about unusual fishing trips. Incredable, funny, scary, or whatever. And I will challenge you guys to tell some really good true ones and/or make up some doozies. I will, and others too I hope, will guess whether stories are true or false. Wait for some feedback posts about your story and then post whether yours was true or false later (be honest smile ). Stories will be great to read and could be very interesting on the guessing accuracy for them. I'll be back after the Blazer TV game and put one or two up. Bring 'em on!
Know Spam or Not?


#111958 - 04/17/01 10:09 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Predator Dawg Offline

Registered: 10/03/00
Posts: 550
Loc: land of sun
Alright RT, I'm guessing your story is false. Who in their right mind would stop doing anything to go watch the Blazers. laugh

#111959 - 04/17/01 10:41 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Bob Offline

Dazed and Confused

Registered: 03/05/99
Posts: 6367
Loc: Forks, WA & Soldotna, AK
I still do smile Always a believer ... but a fool a lot of times in recent weeks frown
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"

#111960 - 04/17/01 11:06 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?

was at ilwaco a few years back, walking down the dock and about 40 feet in front of us a guy had his boat tied to the the dock, it was an outboard and he was trying to start it, it backfired and blew the engine cover off and a few flames came up, the guy got so scared he jumped into the water, we helped him get on the dock and were laughing so hard we couldnt stop. to this day i dont know why he didnt jump on the dock....

#111961 - 04/17/01 11:08 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?

Salt - 1 & Bob - 0. You are right Salt, I was going to watch the second half but as my post times will show I didn't go in there. With crazy 'Sheed suspended for his heroic towell throw into Sabas' face in the Laker game and my general Blazer interest dwindling faster than the Dow, I skipped it. BTW, 'Sheed didn't really mean to hit Sabonis; he was trying to throw in the white towell onto the court to surrender the game. rolleyes ... Anyway, my first story ....

.... Back in the late '70's I went out of Depot Bay with a friend in only a 15' pram (like a flat jonboat). Over the ocean swells to find the silver bite. Believe it or not we wound up at least 3 or 4 miles offshore in that little 'dingy' trying to find a school of biters. Well, my friend did find a biter ... it was a very heavy sluggish fish. I thought it was probably a sunfish or something like that. It turned out to be a 6' blue shark that grabbed a trolled plugcut herring maybe 15 to 20' under the surface, way out there. Hard to believe that it just let us tug him toward the boat without a lineburning run! While the shark swam around a few feet away we pondered what to do - try to kill it with a paddle and drag it in to filet or just cut the line. It was decided for us as the line just finally broke on a shark tooth. It just slowly finned away, as if it hadn't even felt the hook. - RT

#111962 - 04/17/01 11:32 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Raptorwill Offline

Registered: 03/09/00
Posts: 24
Loc: poulsbo, wash ...
Ended a month of hell 8 hrs days on the reg job and 4--6 hrs after hrs on a friends 60'er rebuilding the state room and bath

the weather was goin to be calm and sunny and the tide was medium

that friday night I bought my licence and some tackle and some herring and well got out of the store with a 250.00 lighter wallet but this was goin to be the day the spring unwound and total bliss was to be experienced

filled the boat up ---greased everything in sight and not ---backed her in and the feeling was like when i was 6 and santa was expected that night

dreams of whales dancen around the boat chasen 60# salmon in a school of love around my boat as my golden hook was choice food of that moment smile

that saturday morning came upon me slowly

rechecked everything 2 hrs before daylight
got the thermoses full -- sandwiches made

and down the road i went with the biggest smile a man could muster

when i got to the ramp she was as empty as the desert
tide was up and the launch went with out a hitch

climbed aboard and hit the ole key
she fired up and was purrin like a kitten

i looked across the horizon and decided id go and hit some spots my ole man and i would troll and jig way back when ---was 18 yrs ago

she come up on plane in ten feet ( 50 johnson on a 14' fiberform smile )

was shooten across the water at 60 and the opposit side was comen up fast

decided since i had this new reel and 300 yrds of this new fire line on the reel and it was 400 ft deep id stop and drop a 8 ounce lead to the bottom to seat the line

all went well and man that **** dont stretch

sat back and had a cup of coffee on flat blue water with the sun comin up and warmin the inner soul

finished tien up my herring

turned the key and varoom she didnt miss a beat
slid her into forward and and reverse and and back into forward and a little more throtle-----damn musta lost the cable

went back to investigate --pulled the cover ---moter idleing-- **** the little clamp on the shift cable was broken --

but this was my day and no way in hell i was goin to let this screw it up ---im a duck tapen --bail wiren expert--have gotten back home on a epoxied duck taped radiator and cooler water and well alot of recycled drinks

so my brain is runnin 900 mile a min and low and behold a set of chanel locks sitten on the seat
clamped them babys on the shifter rod out of the motor and pulled her forward ever so gently- and varooom she hit reverse and this big ole 8 inch wall of water decided to come up over the transom and proceed to fill the boat---brain is goin what the hell-----thank the fishen gods that them there vice grips where still attached---put her back in nuetral and step back

**** ive still got a nice little 1/2 inch water fall comen over the transom

start throughen the tackle boxes --cooler --gas tanks --and any thing else i could find up on the bow---and i still have water comen in so i hop up over the windsheild and low and behold the water stopped----

well 4 hrs later i got her rowed up to the shore and 50 dallors and a lot of beggin l i got a good ole boy to tow me back to my trailer across the sound

well the day i thought really sucked now --- smile but the tide was out so had to sit and wait another 2 hrs till i could even attempt to get her on the trailer

then the wind came up----that damn northern wind is brutal smile finally got the boat on the trailer and a wave would come up and launch her over the side of the trailer ---gotta love them--this went on for 3 attempts

finally got the her oughta the water in one piece and very friggen wet

was a grumblen and stompen around gettin her tied off and battend down for the trip home
when a fish cop comes up and asks how my day was ---well the poor guy -- he got an ear load lol but helped me get things unloaded and before i left i made a friend

so im headen out the drive and come upon the highway

its clear no cars and i ease on out ---and ill be damned if murphy didnt grab that damn boat and throw it off the trailer
i look back in my mirror and and see this all in slow motion ----after a few seconds of goin over the days moments i just stomped on the peddle

found a drive about a 1/4 mile down the road and pulled over on the side

now ive just had it -----long month ---beutifull day gone to hell and a boat that is sitten beside the trailer

i reach in and grab a beverage and am standen at the back of the mess and thinken --just match it ---

but finally i come to my sences and grab the handy man and a block of wood and comence to jack

to make a long story short -----that was my worse fishen experience---and i celebrated with rape and run that night -----and damned if i didnt pay again the next mornin

but a bad day fishen is better than a bad day at work

Lifes to short --- Fish all you can smile

#111963 - 04/18/01 02:11 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
kalamabama Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/07/00
Posts: 324
Loc: LaCenter Wa USA
Was fishing some clients on the N. Fork Lewis Pulling plugs all rod tips were working hard then all of the sudden my rod tip stoped doing the wiggel. Well I did not want to get off the oars so I just did not bother with mine. 10 minutes later I asked one of the guys on the boat to give my pole a check. He grabed it and started to reel in as soon as he did this a steelie broke water and took off running. This fish must have just put the shrimp in it's mouth and followed the boat down river. Well fish on so we were all happy. End of story. smile
Keep The Rivers Clean! smile

#111964 - 04/18/01 02:15 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Frogwater Offline

Registered: 04/17/01
Posts: 10
I will give guessing a try. dogsalmon's story is true (I've seen some stupid moves about like that). RT's story is false (filled with too many unlikely things). Raptorwill's story is true (way too long to be made up). Here's one of my many fsihng stories.
I was fishing one of my favorite tidewater holes in the Wilson river with several boats there too. I hooked into a lunker that took me into more snags than any other fish that I was still able to land. And I did land this fresh 47 pound buck. As soon as I set the hook on bobber down this steam engine ran right under my boat and around the anchorline and ran down hole rubbing my 30 pound Maxima line on it all the way down. As it turned to sit and headshake my partner passed the rod under the anchor rope and I was straight to the fish. Almost. After it ran out from under my boat it had run my scratched line thru 2 other fishermans lines because they just couldnt bear to reel in for a couple minutes. they both knew it was my fish so they just eased their drag way loose and let me play the fish, right into a branch under one of the boats toward the end of the hole. So with quick group thinking the 2 other guys cut their lines and I passed my rod dwon the line of anchored boats to where they dipped my rod under the submerged branch. Everybody is either yelling at me to hurry up or just laughing at the whole thing. Even funnier was as they were handing my rod back up the line of boats guys were taking turns playing my fish for a bit. Haha. Was funny though. I got my rod back finally and the fish was tuckered enough that I played it into the net for keeps. One of my more treasured fish after all that.

#111965 - 04/18/01 09:41 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
fishhead5 Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 09/06/00
Posts: 1083
Loc: Shelton
Hey Raptor, could you repeat that, I didn't get it all the first time wink


It is not illegal to deplete a fishery by management.

They need to limit Democrats to two terms, one in office, and one in prison.

#111966 - 04/18/01 03:13 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
rcl187 Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 03/07/01
Posts: 124
Loc: Sedro-Woolley, Wa
About 8 years ago we headed out through deception pass to do some bottom fishing on the 5Th of july. All went well until we ran back, going through the the pass the engine just up and quit. Well that was bad but its never been something we couldn't fix. Pull the cover, check the engine nothing. Pull the manual and try to figure out what was going on-still nothing. So by that time we're getting swept out pretty far and its getting dark so we pull out the flair gun. Fire a few rounds and through the binoculars watch the people on the beach point and laugh-must have thought it was fire works. Eventually we start running out of flaires and pull out the CB. That didn't work either. So we sat and messed around with the motor some more. Somehow we got it started but we couldn't get any more than idle out of it-figure what the he77 we'll take what we can get and run with it. Two hours later we reach the pass and manage to work the shoreline and get inside. Once inside it dies again and we have to row it 200 yards to the dock. Get there load it up and take it to the mechanics. They looked at it and couldn't figure out how it started-pretty lucky.
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#111967 - 04/18/01 06:26 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Ron Bob Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 333
Loc: Carnation, wa
A couple of years ago my friend Nate and I we're having lunch. We had our plugs out as we were eating. We just finished popped two beers and lit up a cigar each(swisher sweets for the other post). I made about one or two pulls on the oars when I saw one of the rods go down, I yelled t\fo nate to get it he jumped up and grabbed the wrong rod. I didn't know what he was doing but he dad a fish on. Just then, the rod I saw go down went slack. I figured we we're tangled so i dropped the anchor and started pulling in the plug to see what we had. Nate was playing his fish on the right and my line was going up river on the left.Boom Two fish on at the exact same time. We were fighting towo fish we had beers open ,cigars lit and my cell phone starts ringing, what a cluster f@#*k. After a bunch of screwing around in fast water we finially got them in both about 10lbs. laugh laugh

#111968 - 04/19/01 03:44 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Slime de Boat Offline

Registered: 04/16/01
Posts: 32
Loc: Oregon
This is short but different. I caught a watersnake one time on a nightcrawler I was using for trout.

#111969 - 04/20/01 04:46 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Hugh Heffner Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/27/00
Posts: 292
Loc: Playboy mansion
RT, you misspelled the word towel in your post above. You spelled it "towell". Please refer to your "RT, 'Mispelling B' Contest/Award" thread rules and guidelines.

Thank you,
Kid Sauk
Why settle for one when you can have hundreds?

#111970 - 04/20/01 05:41 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?

Justin, this just in. smile The "towell" within this post was dated before the contest commenced. However, the "towell" in the Blazer post was after the start time. So, you win dude! Cool. - Steve

[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: RT ]

#111971 - 04/20/01 01:31 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Hey Yall Watch This Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/05/01
Posts: 444
Loc: Olympia....beeyotch
Last night I caught a 2 pound artic charr using my ultra-light setup and a pink spin-n-glow with a #1 Vision hook. Damn thing broke my rod, but still landed the fish. laugh Oh yeah, it was landlocked too.

True or false?...muh ha ha ha ha
N.W.O. fan club

#111972 - 04/20/01 11:09 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
stlhdr1 Offline

Registered: 01/26/00
Posts: 6312
Loc: Vancouver, WA
Here's something I never thought would happen, and I have had it happen three times. On the lower EF Lewis me and a buddy were fishing eggs and hooked the same fish on both baits. We were both side drifting and walking about 5 feet apart from each other and he was the lower guy and he said there's a fish and about 2 seconds later I said there's a fish and we both set the hooks thinking they were two different fish and while fighting the fish both lines came together and were in the fishes mouth and both were swallowed.
Another time we were backtrolling jetdivers kwikfish for springers on the lewis and had one springer grab both kwikfish, and the other time we were boondogging summer runs, three guys all eggs and they both hooked the same fish. Talk about the all time tag-teams on fish. laugh
Another wierd thing also came to mind, about 6 years ago in april we were fishing for early summer runs on the EF of the Lewis and I hooked a winter native on a sandshrimp, landed it took it's picture, and released it. After tying back up I made another cast with a sandshrimp in the same spot and hooked the same fish with my owner in one side that I had cut off and the other owner in the other side of it's mouth. Talk about the all-time dumb fish.

[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: stlhdr1 ]
It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.

#111973 - 04/21/01 01:32 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?

another one i forgot about, was fishing for salmon off westport, we were trolling around having a beer, was a nice day and we trolled by another boat and he yelled to me that we had a fish on, i looked back at my rod and yup, it was a shaken all over, ya, i felt stupid.

#111974 - 04/21/01 06:10 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
brshooter Offline

Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 12
Loc: Aloha, OR
Back in 1990, a couple of my co-workers and myself were treated to a fall chinook trip on the Nehalem. Two fishermen and a guide took off in the first driftboat and two and a guide followed in the second driftboat about 10 minutes later. I had the only hookup of the day. It was a nice 29lb chrome bright male. Well, when I landed the fish, we noticed two plugs in its mouth. Turned out that one of the treble hooks on my plug was actually hooked through the eye of one of the treble hooks on the plug that actually hooked the fish. Not exactly two lines in the same fish, but close. The funny part was when we got done fishing and hooked up with the other boat, they had got skunked. The only action they saw was Doug had hooked a fish and and it broke off. We asked them what kind of plug they were using and guess what they described? We all had a good laugh when we gave them their plug back. Believe it or not.

#111975 - 04/21/01 07:45 PM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
The Moderator Offline
The Chosen One

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13946
Loc: Mitulaville
Although I have never personally done this, I have seen it twice in the last year - where someone hooked the eyelet of a swivel, that was attached to a leader, that was attached to a hook, that was stuck in a fishes face!

One was an Icicle Chinooky and the other a Salmon River brat steelie.

The second time I saw it happen, on the Salmon, the tribes person who caught the fish was all excited and was asking just about everybody if they'd ever seen such a thing. Without missing a step, I said "yes" and went back to fishing. He glared at me for a while - must have thought I was some smart-a** or something. Heh.

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: parker ]
T.K. Paker

#111976 - 04/23/01 10:34 AM Re: BIZZAR Fishing Stories - True or False?
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 454
I have actually done this twice and seen it done a few times where my hook has actually passed through the eyelet of a swivel on a leader attached to a fishes mouth. I tried experimenting at home and found it is easy to do. If your leader catches the other leader the two lines slide down with your hook point moving toward the swivel, if the distance between the eye on the hook and the point is the same distance between both eyelets on the swivel, when the hook and the swivel meet, the swivel tilts 90 degrees, and can easily fall over the point of the hook.....true or false?

[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: RANDY ]
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