Obviously I don't consider 1900 fish there a good year Spike. I wasn't aware of such a possible prediction? And it's like I said, I suggested guys research plants and recent catch rates for Columbia tribs east of the Cascades - many have predictions of record runs coming. I am very suprised to hear about only 1900 predicted for such a great river as the Klickitat, especially during this year's record 400,000 return of Columbia springers! Did they stop planting springers in the Klickitat? That would also be suprising since the Columbia Tribal Commission seemingly would be all over such a move because they dipnet the narrow falls on the lower river, and they have state and Fed agreements to compensate salmon loss in rivers caused by the dams.
Does anyone know for sure the springer prediction for this river? Or if it was stopped being planted and why - and how, considering the Indian agreements? I'm not saying a low return isn't possible - just saying I don't understand how that could be so within the above factors and would like more info. What about the status of the once, and maybe again, excellant summer steelhead runs there?
Edit: In light of this low Klick prediction I will change the topic a little
[ 05-04-2001: Message edited by: RT 1 ]