Okay, here is the reply from the WDFW. Thanks to Gutz who requested this info but asked me to post it today.
Thank you for your e-mail correspondence to the Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Fish Program, regarding Lake Washington sockeye.
Fishery managers from the state and tribes (Muckleshoot, Suquamish, and
Tulalip Tribes) have agreed to a Lake Washington sockeye preseason forecast
of 295,000 sockeye for the 2001 season. The forecast was based on average
lake and ocean survival rates applied to the estimated numbers of juvenile
sockeye entering Lake Washington in 1997,1998, and 1999. This forecast is
below the spawning ground escapement goal of 350,000 sockeye, however,
because of the high variability in past survival rates, there is a chance of
a sockeye return substantially larger(or smaller) than the preseason
Decisions about the possibility of fisheries this season will be based on
counts of returning sockeye made at the Ballard Locks. The technical staff
from the Muckleshoot Tribe and WDFW began these sockeye counts on Tuesday,
June 12, 2001. The first day count was 775 sockeye. As the counting
progresses through the season, State and Tribal managers will begin to make
projections of total runsize, and if the numbers of returning fish are
determined to be above the spawning ground needs, fisheries will be
scheduled. Typically, decisions about fisheries are made during the first
two weeks of July, dependent upon the abundance and timing of the returning
sockeye. The Ballard Locks sockeye counts will be posted on the WDFW
Sockeye Salmon Web Page in the near future, along with any information on
the possibility of fishing seasons. For further information you may contact
our Sockeye Manager, Jim Ames, directly at (360) 902-2725.
If you have further questions, please email again or call (360) 902-2700.
Our Customer Service hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Fish Program
Spent most my money on fishing and beer.... the rest I just wasted.