This is from the WDFG site, looking at the counts, the chance of a season is looking pretty bad.
The preseason forecast for the 2001 sockeye return is about 295,000 fish. This estimate is based primarily upon fry production from the 1996 spawners and since lake and marine survival rates are highly variable from year to year the actual return to Lake Washington could be higher or lower than 295,000.
The spawning escapement goal for the system is 350,000 sockeye salmon. If the return is greater than 350,000 the excess will be available to provide for sport and Tribal fisheries.
The process for determining if there are surplus sockeye for sport and Tribal fisheries is based on an in-season estimate of total run size that is generated by counting the sockeye as they enter the system at the Ballard Locks. Daily estimates are added and the cumulative total is compared to various runsize projection update models based on past years' data and a total run estimate is calculated.
Although sockeye have been observed this year at the locks since mid-May, personnel from the Muckleshoot Tribe and WDFW will conduct formal sockeye counts from June 12th through the end of July. Counts conducted during this standardized time period are the basis of the update model.
Reliable estimates of projected total run size cannot be made until after more than half of the run has entered the system. State and Tribal biologists will update this year's return by July 10th, which is typically the date when 50% of the sockeye return has passed the Locks. A determination will be made at that time if there are sufficient sockeye to open fisheries, and the structure and duration of any fishing seasons will be announced.
If there is a sport fishery it would probably be open in early to mid-July.