Well there was supposed to be a small craft advisory for Neah on monday, however the winds stayed in check and we were able to get some fishing done despite the nice big swells and waves.
The goal: Take some nice hatchery coho home and find out where and when the runs(pink, and coho) will be entering the puget sound.
***We do this every year on this week.
We launched at 6am and headed out around the breakwater to find 4-6 ft swells and some nasty wind waves that eventaully calmed down around 8am. lots of fog and overcast.
6:15 am : It was more then 30 seconds of trolling and we had our first takedown on a slam bucktail trolled on the surface at about 6mph. By 10am we had our limit of 6 hatchery fish between the 3 of us. We had 4 doubles and two triple hookups. We lost alot of fish. The water had calmed by then and was glass. My mom tossed her cookies after all the waves and swells were gone, go figure!
Heres the stats
I actaully wrote them down )
32 fish to the boat in 3 hours 45 minutes, 26 natives released. 6 hatchery fish keeped: 3 #6's,2 #7's and one 8#( alot smaller then last years #10's and #12's. Pinks were unmarked so we counted them as part of the natives and didn't keep any pinks. All fish caught on surface trolled flies. *** we did notice a trend with the natives, they were larger then the hatchery fish. Last years fish were much bigger, both hatchery and nates. This tells me the run is a bit behind last years run and also much larger.
Pinks were jumping all over the place.
From the amount of pinks we saw boated by other boats and talking to people at the ramp, the pink run will be huge!
From reports pinks are starting to show around area 8-2 and 9 as well. The main run is still at the west end of the straight of Juan de fuca working its way east. I suspect the pinks will be in thick below mukilteo in the next two weeks.
Resident coho in the smaller range 2-7lb will show up thick around possesion in the next couple of weeks. I suspect those larger fish are still out to sea and will show up during the first couple weeks of september. I will prolly intercept the larger cohos in the lower snohomish, a favorite pastime of late september of mine(if the sno is open...which it should be considering run forecasts).
I also specialize with Lake Washington Cohos in late september, early oct as kid sauk can vouch for.
Anyway, goodluck!
8 ft