It's hard to say exactly what you have because Fenwick made a bunch of Trigger Stik models. However, I'm almost willing to bet that you have a flipping stick. I also have a 7 1/2 foot brown glass Fenwick rod, and when I bought the original blank a looong time ago, it was advertised as such. A flipping stick, in case you're not familiar with the term, is a stiff rod with a heavy tip used to flip jigs into heavy cover for bass.
When I bought my blank, Fenwick was still in Washington, so that tells you how long ago it was. The brown color, as opposed to the light tan-yellow blanks, is E-glass, and the first of its kind used for much beyond fly rods.
I bought the blank with the idea of using it for jigging, and it worked well with 4 ounce Mooch A Jigs. Six ouncers were a bit on the heavy side for it, but the rod would handle them tolerably. I still have the rod I built, and it still fishes well when I use it.
If your rod isn't the heavy model, then I don't really have a clue what you do have as Fenwick made a bunch of custom-action rods under the Trigger Stik nameplate.
As an aside, Fenwick has started producing retro glass rods again, and their HotShot E-Glass rod is a great plug rod.