I've found that each material has it's own benefits.
Schapplen has a soft action,That's why I started using it when
I designed my Worm collar,it gives a pink worm a little extra contrast and movement,that produces violent strikes.
It also makes a great low -clear ,small profile jig if fished correctly
Palmered Maribou is a real killer,it reacts totally different than "clumped on Maribou"
the breathing motion it gives jigs ,brings them to life IMHO better than schapplen,but it's tuff to compare the two because the kind of react differently....kinda
Palmered Rabbitt is another quality jig material,If tied correctly.
It has qualities simular to maribou,and takes scent better than the other 2,and cleans up great.Plus it is soo tuff,
Since I fish my jigs very aggressively
,most of my good jigs end up stuck in a snag.
But I got a jig (rabbit) at home on the "wall of fame" it's where all my jigs end up after they've produced,
that has been through ,steelies,chums ,cohos,and a few pinks,probably over a dozen fish easily,it still looks great ,chums are brutal on jigs

To say one material is better than another is tuff,but for all situations,I'd take Palmered Maribou,than Palmered Rabbit,followed by Schlappen,just depends......My .02....Os
Check these out Nobody produces more styles of quality jigs than....
Silent Approach Jigs BTW BentHook,Stew's panties are always snugg....that way they don't fill up with water as fast.....

nice try RT,wrong direction

[ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Osprey ]