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#128139 - 11/27/01 12:24 PM Float Fishing - Etiquette question
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
I'm kinda new to float fishing (or even drift fishing) and any kind of 'combat' fishing in general. So this may be normal and I probably should have kept my mouth shut - but I still didn't like it...

Last January on the Snoqualmie, (on a week day morning) a buddy and I had a stretch on the upper Snoqualmie to ourselves. We were float fishing with jigs and fighting the ice in our guides with numb fingers. A guy shows up (we fondly refer to him now as 'grizzly adams' based on his looks and attitude - big, hairy, and pissy) and claims his spot on a big rock about 20 feet downstream from me. Keep in mind that there was plenty of room for us all to have 100 or more feet to ourselves, but he wanted the 'best' spot...
So I let my float drift down to him, and not wanting to be rude, I cut my drift short and just aimed farther upstream. After about his second cast with his huge softball sized cork float zinging across the entire river and way upstream past my buddy and I, he eventually crossed my line well in front of me. Our lines did not snag, but came real close. So being a little annoyed that he crowded me in the first place, I politely asked him if he happened to notice that he crossed my line. Oops! He came un-glued, cussed me out, threatened to kick my a$$ and informed me that he has been fishing since I was just a little kid no higher than his knees and how dare I question whether or not he knows what the [Bleeeeep!] he's doing... (it's time like this that I've considered renewing my concealed weapons permit...)

So, how does this work? Should I expect someone to intentionally cross my line and fish the same drift I'm on even though there is plenty of room? When fishing with other float fisherman, is it OK for me to cast upstream past them and let my float drift down past the guys lower down? What about when fishing with other types (drift, gear, etc). I know every river is a little different, so I'm just looking for some ideas. If you happen to know the 'rules' for the Sky, Snoqualmie, or Green, I'd be interested in hearing those in particular. Thanks!

#128140 - 11/27/01 12:53 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
John Lee Hookum Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
Thats the nature of the beast. I think that it would be a good idea to move closer to this guy
and let him understand that rude, inconsiderate
behavior impacts both parties. He will get the
message and then move along to find another spot.
This could mean that you spend some valuable
fishing time training this bullly but he needs
training. Start fishing close to him and maybe
start a chat about how the fishing has been in
this area. He want tell you, but maybe he caught
a fish there recently. He will quickly understand
that he'd better move because you are there for
the long haul. He is aware that the both of you
are nuetrallizing each others fishing. Remember
you have a fishing partner, does he? Not!! Don't
get bullied. Those guys are out there. So stand
your ground or just move. Good luck and good fish-
shocked shocked

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein

#128142 - 11/27/01 01:11 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 454
Its times like this that my casting abilities can get pretty bad. I have been known to long line past guys like this, cast over their line and generally foul them up at every turn....and all the time playing dumb and saying sorry....eventually he will get mad and move on his own....sometimes its just easier to move yourself....and other times its a matter of principle....depends on how good the fishing is.
always wear a Miami Dolphins hat
never horse a fish on a losing streak
Diet Coke Pro Staff

#128143 - 11/27/01 01:19 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
hawk Offline

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 562
Loc: austin, Minnesota, USA
I agree Randy. Play dumb, and instantly lose your casting ability, along with your ability to pay attention to your lanes while drifting. Just politely say "jeez, I'm sorry, I sure am having trouble casting today. A few tangles, along with a total rig tie up a couple of times will take the lead right out of their pencil. After 30 or 40 minutes of this, most of the t*rds will be packing it down the river.

It works on our drones around here, so it has to work for you.
The best way to be succesful in life is to keep the people who hate you away from the people who are undecided

#128144 - 11/27/01 01:38 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
beek Offline

Registered: 10/19/01
Posts: 50
Loc: Langley
If he's casting up and above you, then you should be able to free spool your float below long as the timing is right. Just make sure you let teh guy below you cast first and there is never a problem. He cast, you cast, then your buddy above you casts and everyone is happy.

#128145 - 11/27/01 01:55 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Dave D Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/04/01
Posts: 3563
Loc: Gold Bar
If you are not in the mood for a confrontation try this it really works. I am a terrible singer; sing some annoying song really loud like jingle bells over and over again. The guy will get so sick of listening to your terrible singing in the morning he will move on after only 5 minutes or so. Done it many times it ticks people off.
Lead Thrower

#128146 - 11/27/01 02:24 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Bob D Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
Just sit on the rocks you were fishing on and start throwing big rocks out front of you! Tell him to join in cause you read it works good! It stirrs the fish up you heard so you stop every 20 or 30 minutes to throw rocks if you havent got a bite! And your going to be there all day!

Bullies will always threaten but will rarely ever do what they say! Especially fishing bullies! If he threatens tell him to eat **** and if he wants to start something he can start it with the local sheriff. Then tell him after he gets out of jail you'll sue him for every thing he has! Including his Wright McGill or Ugly stick. He will go away or shutup! Dont give in!

Bob D

#128147 - 11/27/01 02:27 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Bob D Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
Also when Hunting, Fishing or Camping it is LEGAL in Washington to carry a concealed weapon! Even to and from! Not in Nat'l parks that are posted and some private facilitys have there own rules!

Bob D

#128148 - 11/27/01 03:42 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Jerry Garcia Offline

Registered: 10/13/00
Posts: 9013
Loc: everett
I'm with beek on this, you let the down river guy cast first and adjust your casts. In all likelyhood, there was probably a fish close to the rock Mr. Arsehole was standing on. Having your float go downand maybe a little tail spray in his direction usually sends that species of subhuman packing.
would the boy you were be proud of the man you are

Growing old ain't for wimps
Lonnie Gane

#128149 - 11/27/01 04:11 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
bank walker Offline

Registered: 12/26/99
Posts: 745
There's no reason to pack a gun just because some bully might cork you. If you show a gun it better be a life threatening situation, like your head is underwater for 2 min or he is beating you silly with his ugly stick.
Ive had the same thing happen many times on the Sky/Sno, and i found the best way to handle it is to find a less crowded spot. I know it seems like your just giving in to the idiot who corked you but fishing wasnt meant to ruin a day.
Remember, you have a better chance of catching 1 undisturbed steelhead than a hole that has 100 hard hat steelhead.
"I have a fair idea of what to expect from the river, and usually, because I fish it that way, the river gives me approximately what I expect of it. But sooner or later something always comes up to change the set of my ways..."
- Roderick Haig-Brown

#128150 - 11/27/01 04:31 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
blackdog Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 22
Loc: Central Oregon
The last thing I would do is leave this hole to find less crowded water, as some suggest. This hole was uncrowded until this *hitbag decided to try and run you off. Call him out and let him know what you think. If he can't take that, too freakin' bad. If he wants to get violent, either let him sit in jail afterward or have your buddy bash him in the head with a rock while he's taking it out on you. Either way, he'll get the picture. Going away will only encourage him to do it again.
That which does not kill you, will only make you stronger.

#128151 - 11/27/01 04:41 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
$$B-MONEY$$ Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 07/19/00
Posts: 332
Loc: Eastside,Wa
You said nobody got tangled so who cares! And to have a hole on the upper snoq to yourself is very rare during peak steelhead periods. So although it sucks when you have a hole to yourself and someone else moves in, he gave you 20ft. On most rivers your lucky if ya get 5 feet these days. As for A-holes, well there everywhere. And as for fishermen well many of them think certain water is special to them and only them. Heck, I'm a victim of this attitude occationally. But deffinetly not the snoqualmie. And as far as crossing lines, as long as nobody gets tangled your all fishin'. Just wait a week or two, you'll be lucky if ya have 20ft on the snoq at most productive drifts. Its when someone corks ya' on a small river with no room for extra lines it totally untolerable. As one old timer once said to me as I asked if it was cool to fish below him "Nobody owns the river." Its always alot nicer when someone asks rather than just corkin ya. All you can do is move or deal with it.

[ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: BK ]

Vision Pro Staff

#128152 - 11/27/01 04:42 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
OK - I feel a little better now. Apparrently this guy was just a jerk.

I agree that when you have no choice but to fish in a group, you just have to deal with it and hope that everyone can drift in an orderly manner.

Good idea auntie - my 125lb rottie may need to accompany me on a few outings. Only problem is that he loves to swim. I think 30 degree weather may detour that a little though. The other problem is that he is very friendly. But not too many jerks are going to push there luck and find out...

I'm still not sure packing a gun is wise. I do have a temper and really don't want to shoot any body. Having a gun can make you push things farther than you normally would. Besides, he may have one too - or be waiting for you at your car with his...

I really don't mind sharing a hole with someone as long as they show a little respect. In fact, when fighting a monster chromer, nothing beats that envious look from the guy upstream from you! And a lot of guys will be kind enough to help you land it.

I'm always ready to learn something new or share something with someone who is learning. But I normally do prefer to avoid crowds (ie anyone that's not with me...).

Thanks for your input!

#128153 - 11/27/01 04:42 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
finclipped Offline

Registered: 04/03/01
Posts: 35
Loc: Vancouver
All this talk reminds of the Wind River. Its hard to know what to do in situations like this. I think it pays to fish with a friend or group of friends.

Last spring, I had a similar situation, when there were 10 guys fishing next to each other(including me). Most anglers cast in order and were generally cordial. For whatever reason, some guy wanted my spot(maybe because he thought I was alone). He started above me only 5 feet or so, then proceeded to crowd me and my casts. Then he went around me crowded from that side. I turned around to rebait and he tried to get his buddy to take my spot. I didn't budge. Although I tried to start a conversation and be cordial, all that I got in return was snide comments about my casting. I had a friend about 30 ft away, but since I couldn't talk to him, this other guy thought I was alone. I do think if you stand your ground, more often than not, the instigator will back down. If not have a friend close by.

By the way, when guns are pulled, its time to leave, no matter what.
United we bargain, divided we beg.

#128154 - 11/27/01 04:43 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Thumper Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/08/01
Posts: 334
Loc: Vancouver, WA
My, my, everyone sounds so tough! Hey, folks, it's only fishing. Ten people can stand within 5 feet of each other and fish floats all day long without inconveniencing each other. Relax.....enjoy ain't a competitive event.

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The walls of death have got to go!

#128155 - 11/27/01 04:46 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
RiverMan Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 488
Loc: oregon
I agree with Beek also. This whole thing reminds me of something that happened to me maybe 10 years ago. I was fishing from a boat at the mouth of the Walla Walla River and motored slowly past a guy on the shore. He started screaming, swearing, and threatening my partner and I. We ignored him and just went on past and upstream a bit where we anchored. At that point we discussed what a @@@!!! jerk he was and agreed that he will "enventually get his". Well, an hour or so went by and here came another boat, same thing!! The guy started yelling, cussing, only this time the boat made a 90 degree turn and without hesitation headed straight to shore! He climbed from his boat and walked stright up to the guy, face to face. We could see them exchanging words but could not make out what they were saying, I'm sure you can guess! About a minute or so went by and then the guy calmly got back in his boat and left, not another word was said!! I fully expect this will eventually happen to grizzly adams too, just give it time, there's always someone meaner, someone tougher, just ask Mike Tyson. Until then, enjoy fishing, it's not worth the hassles.


#128156 - 11/27/01 04:51 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Dave Jackson Offline

Registered: 04/18/01
Posts: 846
Loc: Milwaukie, OR
Fishing is never worth fighting. I go fishing to relieve stress, not provoke it.

Fish with a buddy, be it human or canine. If it's getting that crowded then I say bag it. I don't like fishing THAT much.
Get Bent Tackle whōre. Just added spinner section, where you can special order to your hearts content!

#128157 - 11/27/01 05:07 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
RiverMan Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 488
Loc: oregon

#128158 - 11/27/01 05:13 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
Predator Dawg Offline

Registered: 10/03/00
Posts: 550
Loc: land of sun
The best "piece" you can carry now-a-days is a cell phone. You say he threatened you with bodily harm. That's an offense in the State of WA. Let him see you pull out your phone and call the cops. Don't think he'll stick around to talk with them when they show. Plus, you have a witness!

#128159 - 11/27/01 05:28 PM Re: Float Fishing - Etiquette question
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
Looks like most of you have some good advice for dealing with jerk-offs - thanks! But how about some guidlines for fishing friendly with others. If I show up to a popular hole that has 5 or 10 fisherman working it (normally I will move on), what is the 'proper' way to work in and not look like a jerk? If there's just one guy fishing, I usually ask him if he minds if I share the hole. If the river is big enough, I may not ask, but just keep as far away as reasonble. If the stream is smaller, and you rarely spend more than 10 or 15 minutes fishing the same spot, I'll ask which way he is heading (up or down stream) and then go the opposite.

So if there is a group of guys fishing a stretch and they are evenly spaced, and this spot for some reason is your only decent option, what do you do?

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