Well I have been playing Inspector Cluso this weekend and have found a little info. Not very usefull though.
When driving home there are a few guys with fishing boats that I usually check out when I drive by. Well, in the last few weeks I have noticed that their motors are also gone. Thinking that maybe they put their outboards in their garages I never really thought about where else they may have gone. After this mishap I have thought differently. So, I stopped by and asked. Big surprise, stolen also!! They got as much help from the TAX RECIEVING COPS as I did. A case number.. Now, from my little few hours of checking around I have found that there have been three outboard motors stolen within about a four block radius. Hmnnnn??? Think it could be the same people??? How about set up a dummy situation with an outboard motor and nab these PUNKS?? That way these cops get the best of both worlds. They can sit on their ass and do nothing and wait for these punks to come to them. Shoot, you could even do it cheaper. Use one of those small cameras with a motion detector, that way it only starts taping when someone is around? I have done some minimum searching and found that three tax paying home owners have been ripped of of their recreational property, bet if it was the Mayor they'd be all over it. Now Lake Stevens isn't a big town, so the odds that these are the same people ripping off thses motors is very likely. Just a little service from our public servents would be nice. Maybe it would even help with PR. Instead of people being afraid of talking to cops they might find that they are their for our best interest. You know, work with the people you are sworn to protect, the tax payers not the punks...
Well I am going ot keep my eyes out. I am very determined, my hopes aren't to high that I will ever see 'MY' motor again. I will do what I can though since our law enforcement isn't going to do anything, oh wait, they will hand out tickets for going 5 over the limit and make you feel like the criminal.
Swami....What the heck did you do to Ken? I talked to him on Friday and it souded like he was missing his front teeth. I was going to take him up for the Fortson experience but I think he had a few to many barley sodas.... Probably still in bed.
One last thing...The bright side.
1) Talked wife into getting new boat!!!
2) Get to extend my garage to make it a three car..2 car and 1 new boat I mean!
Life could be a heck of a lot worse.