All plugs, and Hot N Tot type divers, need to run straight and even for the best action and depth performance. Most do fine out of the box, but a lot of them need 'tuning'. Put the plug in some moderate current and watch to see if it runs straight (evenly on both sides) or turns out somewhat to one side. Sometimes it helps to detect this by pulling them upstream slightly against moderate current. If ones with an eyescrew in front, such as Hot Shots or Kwikfish, turn out to the right then slightly turn the eyescrew with the top going the opposite left direction - or visa versa. For ones with a built-in eyeloop, such as Wiggle Warts, then bend that loop very slightly in the opposite direction it turns out. Do this with plugs until you have them tuned to dive straight and even. ... That and keeping the hooks sticky sharp are important for best productivity! It often helps the hookup ratio to use a little larger than stock hooks when needed (Warts) and extend them back a little with a bead chain or large barrel swivel. Put a little scent on them. Then back them slowly thru holding water with the right action speed and depth (amount of line out), and you will be catching steelhead; and salmon.