Maybe you should know that Tacoma City light has some of the cheapest power rates in the Northwest. The City of Tacoma has never had to pay the same rates that other have been paying all along.
That's because they have failed to live up to there fishery mitigation agreements with WDFW. Tacoma Power has banked millions of dollars that should have been spent on the fish mitigation (1967 fish mitigation agreement with WDF).
My heart doesn't bleed too much for Tacoma City Light! Think about it this way KRS, Tacoma robs a resource from another county for there own cheap power needs, and in return leaves almost nothing in exchange to the resource in which they have robed and ruined. Tacoma make's well over 19 million dollars a year profit, and that's after selling them self's all the cheap power that they can use. Their power rates are some of the cheapest power rates in the Northwest (I wonder why?).
The new settlement agreement that WDOE has already signed and agreed to concerning the river flows is pretty much the same as Tacoma has been doing for the last 30 years. It's time for Tacoma to pay their fair share for power and help support the true recovery of the Cowlitz River fish runs. Our suggested flows to help restore our Cowlitz runs would only allow Tacoma to make 13 million annually instead of the 19 million that they are now making.
KRS, I suggest that you read the FOC/CPR-Fish comments, the November 2001 FEIS and the August 11, 2000 settlement Agreement, (the FEIS and the Settlement Agreement can be viewed on the FERC RIMS site) and then tell me how sorry you feel for the poor rate payers of Tacoma when it comes to heating their homes, at half the price that everyone else had been paying!
Very few issues get me really worked up on this BB, but when someone indicates that Tacoma and their rate payers are paying too much to heat their homes and ours fish runs are just about down to nothing because of Tacoma's "cheap power rates", expect to hear from me, and hear it loud and CLEAR.
Tacoma Power doesn't give a damn about restoring our fish runs on the Cowlitz! All Tacoma cares about is how cheap they can produce power for themselves.
KSR, I am not mad at you, but you do need to do some homework concerning the Tacoma power rates, and what they did with the hundreds of millions of dollars that should have been put into restoring the Cowlitz fish losses. Moreover, think why Tacoma spent over 8 million dollars on getting their new license!
Help support both the FOC and CPR-Fish in their efforts to restore the Cowlitz River fishery and send your email letter of support to WDOE (hpre461@ecy.wa.gov) supporting our December 3, 2001 comments to WDOE. It's the last chance to help to improve the Cowlitz River fishery!
Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????
[ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: cowlitzfisherman ]