S.A. can answer this more accurately than I, if they see this thread. From what I recall, they use a powder based type of paint coating for their jig heads. I don't know what this is but have heard it's the best paint to use for this, and take a little longer to chip. ...
BTW, jig wars not-with-standing
, both my friend Mark's First Cast jigs and Silent Approach jigs show the best workmanship of any jigs I've seen. I was recently taught how to tie jigs, so I understand what is involved in working feathers properly into the best arrangement and appearance - to the fish more than the fisherman. This is very important. If you look closely at Lynn's work on palmering (Roger too) the marabou feathers you can see why they have better action than other marabou jigs in the water. Same with Mark's careful work on his shalappen feathers. This procedure definitely takes time to do properly. Cudos to those two for taking the extra time on each jig to accomplish that. ...
Now, back to jig wars.
jk. But I do really like the nickle plated brass heads and Owner hooks best on the First Cast Jigs. In addition to the extra bit of flash from them, they don't chip - even when I drift fish them without a float occasionally, as they hit rocks every 5 feet or so. And the Owner hooks just rule! The Gammis work very well though. I haven't kept up on what hooks Lynn is using lately, but I think they use either of the two brands requested, last I heard. I also think the shalappen has a bit more action in the water than marabou, which tends to stick closer together in the water. I really like the rabbit fur in small profile 1/8 oz. jigs for low water summer steelheading...
On another jig subject, despite most jig expert's opinions that painting or putting eyes on the jig head won't increase steelhead interest, I still think it may help in some cases. It would take one heck of a lot of side by side controlled tests on many different rivers over time to really learn this. What are you long time jig fisher's opinions on this? I know it can't hurt. I've had some of my jig heads 'eye' painted and they have worked real well. This was done by Mike of Rainbow Jigs, also an excellant jig product. I had him paint bright cerise eyes on black jig heads along with white feathers with some krystalflash in them - they worked great when the river had some color to the water. Would they have worked as well without those contrasting cerise eyes (looking like a little fishy to eat)? Tough to answer. I would say most of the time they probably would have without the eyes. But in a few cases with a bit more lethargic fish they may not have taken them without those "cute eyes".
I recently was looking for a sheet of lure tape 'fish eyes' to put on my plugs, etc. I also found a new product on the market of stick on plastic fish eyes that stick out a bit rounded to look more like real eyes. I plan on trying them out on Mark's nickle plated jig heads; as well as on the bottom of my custom painted Kwikfish. If they don't enhance the productivity, they will slightly increase my confidence in them - and that's not a bad thing.