The Washougal is perfect right now,good color,not to high,just right.I'll be back out there tomorrow.My friend caught his three fish yesterday
and Harvey from Rip some Lips guide service took a couple clients down yesterday afternoon and caught three.A buddy of mine got one before our last rainstorm that weighed 19 lbs.I thought it was big untill I saw mine
needless to say after I saw it for the first time there was a lot praying going on untill I finally landed it.Then a lot of THANK YOU'S and smileing and just a little bit of jumping around-just a little bit.No I never even thought of a picture,I never carry a camera and I just never thought of it.I did get ahold of a taxidermist and told him the measurements and he's going to make me a wall mount.I can't belive how much its going to cost but for me its a fish of a lifetime.There's been a few big fish being caught running upwards of 15-17 lbs.Lots 12&13 being caught.I've only managed 6-8 lbs untill now
,and I've only caught two of those this year.I guess I paid enough to the river gods this year that they gave me a break, A BIG BREAK
,I am going to start carrying one of those disposable cameras with me now,like my wife has been telling me for yrs.I hate when she's right.