Thanks to all those who showed up for last night's chat. As many may have noticed, the server was down for the normal chat client and we were forced to go with a CGI-based backup.
Still lots of fun though and I'm craving Taco Bell like I never had before after the muchie attack seemed to hit everyone on line.
I looked at some nicer, and hopefully more reliable options today for java-based chat ... I really don't want to go with an option that forces people to download anything special.
If you visit the new version of the chat at - you can test it out a little.
This is another free version that I will upgrade to a more feature-laden version if it seems to work for everyone (we'll give it a test run next Monday night). Has emoticons and sound as well ... the only thing I found a little difficult was private messaging but it still works, it just isn't as apparent that you are receiving a private message as it does not list the "To" portion ... it'll just show up on the screen of the priavte message recipient in another font color.
Please let me know what you think and we'll see everyone again next Monday night from 8 to ... whenever, since this one was still active after midnight as well!