Strip casting allows the centerpin fisherman to cast even lighter setups than a spinning reel. Much of the centerpin fishing in the UK is done by this method.
Simply strip off ten to twenty feet of line and sidecast your float out allowing the float to pull line from your centerpin. When sufficient line has run out for your casting distance of about75 feet. Begin retrieving by hand stripping,just as if you were flyfishing.Pull in about 7 or 8 ,2 foot pulls and hold the line and place it between your lips. Repeat this line stripping untill your float reaches the rod tip placing each bight of line in succession between your lips.
You now have about 6 bights of line in your lips ,the ends of the bights hang downs into the water and the current keeps them nicely separated.
Now just make an easy sidecast to your target and relax your lips so that the line feed out smoothly and easily. It sounds messy but in fact its simplicity itself.The current keeps each bight under slight tension untill it is pulled out by the flying lure.
Of course you could try and use a stripping basket but if you once try this method you will never go back to a stripping basket.
Using this technique you can wade downstream a few steps at the end of each drift covering the water smoothly and easily. The only time you need to reel your line back onto the reel is when you hook a fish or when you want to walk downstream through the bush.
The only real difficulty you may encounter is to have a fish take when you have retrieved part of your line.But its not serious just strike the fish holding the line and as soon as hees hooked just open your lips and let all the line fall to the water ,reel in and fight your fish.
You can use this method foe handeling line with either a centerpin or handeling running line with a fly rod .
I know it sounds crasy but the Scots gillies have been doing it for years.They just dont talk about it.