Thought some people here may be interested in this.


Wednesday's fisheries (02/06/02)


The bulk of the fish have moved into the Lewis River although smelt are still in the Cowlitz (temp 42 degrees). The Lewis is running fairly clear so dipping at dawn and dusk is best before they move into deeper water.


Lewis River
Sport - Easy limits first thing in the morning before light (sport dipping opens at 6am). Up to 30 smelt per dip from the railroad bridge upstream to Woodland. Catches dropped off to 0-8 smelt per dip during mid-day.

Commercial - A total of 39,600 pounds were landed Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

Cowlitz River:
Sport - Catches ranged from 0-6 smelt per dip in the Kelso to carnival market area and from 0-10 smelt per dip in the Rocky Point to Lexington area.

Commercial - No reported landings

Columbia River:
Commercial - No reported landings.

Sport Seasons/Regulations:

All tributary waters are open Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays, 6am - 10pm through March 31st. There is a 10 lb daily limit in effect.
Updates available at (360) 696-6211 *1010.
WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington