Unfortunatly this bourd is not a cross section of the fishermen in this state,If it was our problems have all been solved!
Ha ha
There alot of people that feel fishing and killing go hand in hand.I think there is a heavy catch and kill consensus out on the west end.They ars sick of other people telling them how to run there lifes.I do not blame them but unfortunatly alot of these ideas are not in the best interest of the fish.
I have practised c/r on my streams pretty much as long as I have been fishing them due the dismal condition of the runs and my absolute love afair for wild steel.so it is easy for me to vote for statewide c/r.
Other people put catching and killing together.Untill it is made ilegal then I will not put a man down for exersizing his rights.
I think there is alot of preasure from fish and game not to go statwide c/r because this IS going to stop a good number of people from buying liscenses and not going fishing.I think this argument was put up many times behind closed doors.We all know that money talks.
The debate is a little more heated than was portrayed here on this bourd!It was not so cut and dry on other bourds.Cudos to those who had the balls to leave the safty of this bourd and argue c/r!
Alot of people see the push for c/r as more of a ploy by special interest elitist than a tool to restore our salmon.
Fortunatly the kill numbers were cut which is better than nothing and we can still do our part by releasing the nates we catch!
Thank you Bob,Sparky and every body else that put so much time and money into the fight.