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#140377 - 02/12/02 09:06 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
thefishnfool Offline

Registered: 02/28/00
Posts: 580
Loc: Mt. Vernon
Who cares that I talked to Erik????? Why doesn't that matter? Maybe I don't see your point. I am not saying that you don't have the right to not like her for what she said to you. I am just saying the people that she hasn't met are taking it too far. Like I said I didn't mean this personally towards anybody on this board. I just fealt that I needed to apologize for what "I" said.
Fishing aint luck.

#140378 - 02/12/02 09:09 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Bruce Pearson Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 01/19/00
Posts: 287
Loc: Auburn, WA USA
LOL well if aint Bain's sidekick Kevin Spratley to the rescue.

Thanks for the insite Kevin. I'll keep that in mind wink

#140379 - 02/12/02 09:11 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
hawk Offline

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 562
Loc: austin, Minnesota, USA
Smells like a turd, looks like a turd, must be a turd. There are sinkers and there are floaters.
The best way to be succesful in life is to keep the people who hate you away from the people who are undecided

#140380 - 02/12/02 09:12 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Dogfish Offline
Poodle Smolt

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 10878
Loc: McCleary, WA

I actually found the Bob & Steve series to be quite funny and it showed a great deal of creativity. Just coincidence on the names??? Probably not. That said, I have never met her, and don't wish to. I have gone out of my way to meet others on this board, but not for "love", just for love of fishing and hunting.

The bright side to this is that she got a few more hits on her website and that everyone survived.

Take care,
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.

#140381 - 02/12/02 09:17 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
FishinSinsation Offline

Registered: 02/12/02
Posts: 582
Loc: kenmore, wa
i have to say somthing here.. For me seeing her gay comic WAS not funny who cares if someones gay and fishs.. i dont think someone should have to hide the fact that they're gay or face slander from a itch like ***** i mean who really cares if someone is gay i know i dont. I too have found out a thing or two about ***** reading these posts and going to her website and i could really care less.. im not going to go make a comic of her crashing her boat.. it was a bad thing to happen and i dont think anyone should be put into that situation no matter what they did. I think we all should just sit back and let this post die.. we live and learn and i just hope ***** gets somthing out of this and gets off her high horse, and comes into touch with reality.

two wrongs dont make a right.

btw i am not gay


I put the SIN in fishin

#140382 - 02/12/02 09:24 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Jennie Offline

Registered: 05/03/99
Posts: 19
Loc: Astoria oregon USA
Originally posted by thefishnfool:
You might not agree with everything that she says, but you have to admit that a lot of what she says is true. You might not like how she says it but most of her stuff when you look closely at the whole message behind it isn't that far off.
That's too funny.
Most of it?
Some of it?
Any of it?
I don't remember any truth.
Occasionally she has some intriguing thoughts on fishing, and it's interesting to read that part.
But... on her rants, If most of what she said were true, then I would have a little more sympathy.
If she were seriously hurt, I would have more sympathy. But she is not.
I know some of the people that she has had fun with, (tearing them apart) and I know that what she says is not true. Not even SLIGHTLY.
I know she doesn't speak the truth about RT.
I know she doesn't speak the truth about me.
I know she doesn't speak the truth about Bob or about Fishgal.
What she speaks is pure evil with malicious intent.
She wants to hurt people.
Why is that? Why would anyone purposefully want to hurt people?
Luckily, most of us realize this and take it with a grain of.... sadness for her pitiful attempts.
Sadness that she would need to do that to attempt to cover whatever hurt her in her past, or whatever!
The boat dumped and now who is hurting?
I'm going to try not to say any more about this.
I closed my thread about it to try and help me to stop.
But then again... I am a slow learner.
Expect a fish with every cast!

#140383 - 02/12/02 09:41 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Hoochie Offline

Registered: 05/14/01
Posts: 38
Loc: Hobart
Jennie: As always, you are a Class Act!!!
Many thanks for your site and your involvement in this one and this subject.

When the truth is known, the ******* was actually FIRED from her last place of employment for some of the same antics she has displayed in the forums and on the rivers. (language and attitudes toward men)

ZERO Tolerance we are told, but I guess she didn't hear and it cost her.
Life's a game, but fishing's SERIOUS!

#140384 - 02/12/02 09:55 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Dave Jackson Offline

Registered: 04/18/01
Posts: 846
Loc: Milwaukie, OR
Karma, baby. Every chilling drop of water that soaked her to her soul was swimming with karma that day. And now that she is humiliated by the incident people close to her want others to forget what she has said about them in the past and feel sorry for her.

"Don't judge her by what you see online", they say. "There's a lot going on behind the scenes that you don't know, and if you did know then you would feel differently". If she has had problems in her past or present that she needs to deal with, then she needs to get that help. Spewing bitterness and vile on her website only serves as a Vegas-sized lighting display that screams "I need attention, and I'll say whatever it takes to get it".

So it's done. She dunked herself, and she did it with none other than Nick Amato in her boat. And by the luck of the draw she lived through it. We've had our say on it, and now it's time for all of us to move on.

Maybe change for the better will come out of this. Maybe that dip in the water that day will serve as a wake-up call. Maybe nothing will change. Maybe we should just quit giving her all this attention and let her burn out on her own, if that is what she's destined to do.

I think I'll go for the latter, myself.
Get Bent Tackle wh&#333;re. Just added spinner section, where you can special order to your hearts content!

#140385 - 02/12/02 10:00 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Jennie Offline

Registered: 05/03/99
Posts: 19
Loc: Astoria oregon USA
Originally posted by Dave Jackson:

So it's done. She dunked herself, and she did it with none other than Nick Amato in her boat. And by the luck of the draw she lived through it.
I'd rather die... wink

OK! I quit! I said it! I quit!
I promise! Done!
But I would rather die than dunk Amato! He's just too dang cute!
Expect a fish with every cast!

#140386 - 02/12/02 10:10 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
Gregor Offline

Registered: 09/14/01
Posts: 94
Loc: America
The problem with using Karma as the reason for this cosmic *itchslap is that it removes personal responsibility from the party involved. Put the blame where it's due...

I'm just glad everyone made it safely to the bank.

#140387 - 02/12/02 10:12 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s

Well I will say this about A.n.g.i.e. What you see is what you get! She doesn't hide behind a phony facade. You may not like what you see but she doesn't ask for our acceptance or seek it either. Yes she is cruel and hateful too but at least she doesn't try to conceal it.
The old saying "what goes around comes around" really applies here.
It's too bad that a good guy like Nick Amato was involved and I am glad he is okay.
Do you think this will be an awakening to her? Or will she continue her self-delusional fantasy?

#140388 - 02/12/02 10:48 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
RPetzold Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 11/04/99
Posts: 983
Loc: Everett, Wa
I have met you and you seem to be very nice and I know you have probally spent more time with her then most of us BUT...

To the level that *ngie took her spite, jealousy and haterid was so far beyond simple humor and just mouthing off. What she said was as malicious and hateful as anything I have ever heard spewed (aside from the rhetoric presented by white supremisits).

I think the parties involved could laugh it off if it was not so hateful and so cruel. There is a line that you do not cross and *ngie passed it by many many miles.

Maybe this dumping will teach her a lesson! She claimed that eveything she ever wrote and blabbered on about was just a game, it was a joke. Well maybe she will realize that it was not a game, that it was real life and she was doing damage to people who did not deserve it.

And if she still does not realize that this is not a game, then all I can say is WE WON!!!!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh
Ryan S. Petzold
'Sparkey' and/or 'Special'

#140389 - 02/12/02 10:57 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
MJ1 Offline

Registered: 11/27/01
Posts: 20
Loc: issaquah,wa
After going back and reading some of the Other "persons" site , I have to agree ...What goes around , comes around. To dish it out like she does, she better be prepared to deal with the outpouring of "sympathy" she is receiving.

#140390 - 02/12/02 11:09 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s

Registered: 12/03/01
Posts: 851
Loc: manchester,Wa
I dont know her or care to ever meet her but the way she goes on about people being geeks and losers, never playing high school sports, she sure spends alot of time thinkin of [Bleeeeep!] to flap her jaw about others. thinking its not right because you dont know her and she is really a PRECIOUS person to not have a laugh about it. open your eyes, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while under the circumstanses. she takes a well known person out. more than likely talkin [Bleeeeep!] the whole time and flips her boat, loses her gear and is humiliated in a way that I have never expeirnced. yeah I cant wait to see what she'll write next. or if at all. Ben

#140391 - 02/12/02 11:46 PM Re: www.flipping o d e s
G-MAN Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 12/23/01
Posts: 379
Steve, Bob, Jeanie, FishGal, Enjoy your well earned Gloat! laugh laugh laugh Just got off her site "What a bunch of GARBAGE!" I'm going to the OP next month and need a guide, (if I can't convince FJ to break in his new boat). Why in the world would I want to pay $$ to spend the day with that! confused If I want that level of intellegence to spend the day with fishing, I could get it cheaper at a tavern! I'm from Lynden and resent being called a "Crazed Christen in Cow [Bleeeeep!] Country"! mad I feel sorry for the children in her home. Saidly, they might grow up just like her. Same mannerisms and social values! frown I didn't have an opinion of her until she gave it to me off her web site. It is a LOW one though. frown
"Life is tough!, it's tougher when your STUPID!!
"What don't kill you, will only make you Stronger!'

#140392 - 02/13/02 12:02 AM Re: www.flipping o d e s
RPetzold Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 11/04/99
Posts: 983
Loc: Everett, Wa
I have met her daughter and I am sad to say she is just like her mother.

What a sad tragedy... frown
Ryan S. Petzold
'Sparkey' and/or 'Special'

#140393 - 02/13/02 12:10 AM Re: www.flipping o d e s
thefishnfool Offline

Registered: 02/28/00
Posts: 580
Loc: Mt. Vernon
Well guys-
Maybe I came across the wrong way. I am not trying to say that I was great friends with her cause that would be a lie. I have fished with her a few times and she was nice to ME. For example......last spring I made a trip all the way to Forks from Pullman and somehow in the whole hurry of getting away from Pullman managed to forget my dry bag with half my gear in it. She was nice enough to loan me some of her gear so that a trip that I had looked forward to for a very long time wouldn't be ruined turned out to be one of the best days I have ever experienced in steelhead fishing. I'm not trying to "make fun of" or question yalls feelings towards her. I just found out really what happened to her and fealt really low for insulting someone that had never said or done anything to me personally. Call it the nice person in me, call it whatever you want, but I fealt wrong for kicking someone when they were down so to speak.

Jennie: Sorry if I came across the wrong way, wasn't trying to say what she may of behind the scenes towards your friends, I don't know what was said. Maybe I should clarify myself on the whole "most of what she says is true" thing. I was not referring to her personal slams. I was referring to what she says about techniques, some of her politics, and her attitude towards the snooty flyfisherman. I should have been more clear on that one.
Sparkey: Not trying to cross you cause we all know how well you like each other :-) Will get ahold of you sometime soon. Gonna try and come home sometime in the next couple of weeks and we'll have to hook up and see if we can't tie into some nates on the sky or something.
Fishing aint luck.

#140394 - 02/13/02 12:11 AM Re: www.flipping o d e s
gregotis Offline

Registered: 02/12/02
Posts: 2
Loc: Port. Or
When and where do we hear Nick Amato's story about this adventure? This is all new to me, but how can she spin this around? I don't think anyone can. She would be very wise to just run, hide, apologize, and shut up. I couldn't imagine being married to this Ho and having to defend and make up excuses for her. Good luck getting out of this twist of fate, b1cth.

#140395 - 02/13/02 12:24 AM Re: www.flipping o d e s
bank walker Offline

Registered: 12/26/99
Posts: 745
Kinda sounds like a Soap Oprah. I think alot of us have to grow up in here. The purpose of this board is not to turn into some of the other boards out there. This is a great place to share ideas and other fishing related stuff without the he said/she said b.S.

Too many internet sportsman rolleyes rolleyes
"I have a fair idea of what to expect from the river, and usually, because I fish it that way, the river gives me approximately what I expect of it. But sooner or later something always comes up to change the set of my ways..."
- Roderick Haig-Brown

#140396 - 02/13/02 12:30 AM Re: www.flipping o d e s
thefishnfool Offline

Registered: 02/28/00
Posts: 580
Loc: Mt. Vernon
Well said bank walker. I am not goin to add anymore to this. If you have a comment or question about anything that I me and I'll be glad to get back. That is if I'm not out fishing :-)

Fishing aint luck.

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