Hello All,

How's everyone doing?

Here are the latest updates on TackleTour this week
(more will be posted towards the end of this week):
-Quantum Energy PT baitcast reel
-Brass & Glass technique

Coming soon:
-Shootout between Shimano and Daiwa
-Hookhider IM8 Pro series rod with
an innovative new grip design
-Kistler Custom Rod



Jack Ip
Performa nce Tuned like no other... The "souped" up Quantum Energy PT

We have waited... and now they're finally out. The Performance Tuned (PT)
baitcast Quantum Energy reel utilizes innovative new materials combined with
many hours of tweaking to gain the most out of each high performance
packed part.
Employing Gamakatsu's Rubber Worm hook for "Brass and Glass" finesse fishing

"Brass and Glass" techniques are among the oldest finesse fishing techniques,
and are still one of the most productive methods for drawing strikes.
With new lures and sharper hooks the "Texas Twitch" is deadlier then ever.