I have an 18 foot Olympic closed bow with a windshield that does not have a hatch permitting access to the bow. I want to set it up with some type of anchor system where I can set and pull the anchor from the starboard rail, by reaching over the side window (with a jam cleat I presume). The bow is set up currently with a nav. light mounted right on the peak of the bow, a center cleat mounted square in the middle of the bow (about two feet back from the light), and two chalks mounted just foward of that on the port and starboard sides. For anchoring around Cathlamet and down towards Deep River I have not had much of a problem...yet...since the water I anchor in is shallow (up to 12 feet). Last year I rigged up a sling that hung off the center cleat, went through the side chalks, and had a ring hanging over the bow. I used a caribiner to snap on a pre-cut length of anchor line, chain and anchor (Danforth style)to. By adjusting the sling I could get the anchor line to pull staight off the bow and it worked O.K. However, I had to crawl out on the bow to mess with it and there was no way to adjust the amount of scope.
I'd like to add on an anchor chalk, roller system to the bow so I can ancor in deeper water or adjust the amount of scope in tight situations (not to mention not having to crawl out on the bow which is a bit hairy at certain times). I'm sure I'll have to mount something either over the running light or get rid of the light all together and run new side lights. I'm also assuming that if I want to pull from the side of the boat I'll need a way to run the line at an angle from the bow chalk to a jam cleat.
Has anyone had to modify a closed bow boat in this way? Also, what type of anchor chalks and rollers would you reccomend and where would you reccomend purchasing them? I looked at WestMarine in Delta Park today (a rare trip to Portland for me) and they had some setups that cost well over 100 bucks just for the chalk/roller setup. Any place around Aberdeen/Oly area that might be better to check?
Thanks for the input,
Chasing old rags 500 miles from home.