I was asked to post this by Stlhdh2o.
Well, looks like the hammer fell on 'ol h2o. I guess I was standing right under it...I've been given the 'ol heave Hoh
Let's just put this one to bed for good. I appreciated my brief stint on the boards here and thought I was contributing at a high level. I always tried to make the rookies feel welcome and answer their asked and answered questions with patience. I expressed my opinion with passion and conviction...I saved the flames for counterattacks.
I always resisted posting on the threads that bordered on poor taste. Then I saw Bob mention that he didn't mind the adult themed posts. After seeing jokes made about insertion and sex with animals I didn't think my joke was that far out of line. If I offended anyone I am truly sorry.
Hopefully Bob is willing to rethink banning me for good. I have the feeling that if he were to search 'stlhdh2o' in the engine and actually read through the posts he would see that the 'trouble' he refers to is confined to about three or four threads, all of which are ones where I was attacked personally and reacted to defend myself. Take a look at the number of good threads vs. number of bad threads before passing the death penalty? I understand that he might not have time to do that every time an isuue comes up regarding a board member, but if you listen to only those who complain you are only getting one side of the story.
I appreciate those of you who have Emailed me expressing regret and support...thanks.
Take it easy on Hilo would you, he is not an alias he is my brother. I've asked him to post this and then let it go.
I'm around on Ifish...
See you on the river,
stlhdh2o@msn.com for chat