I fished Neah Bay (Area 4) from Sunday through Wednesday for salmon. Sunday & Monday fished at skag rocks & the front (north & west sides) of Tatoosh Island. Picked up two fish (kings)each day, all from Skag rocks area. Tuesday blown off the water after only an hour, freak east winds coming down the straights that lasted all day until early evening. Wednesday changed our game plan & went south from Tatoosh then went
5-8 miles off shore on the ocean. Only a few private boats out there but is where the charter boat was going each day. We limited on kings
(6-total) in just under 4 hours. Also caught & released about a dozen coho that same day. Caught a lot of lings & sea bass while trolling for salmon when close to shore without even targeting the bottom fish. No big kings this year like last year. Biggest was about 21 #'s, smallest about 10#'s. Most were in the teens. My brother also fished first two days with his own boat, 2 fish a day (half his possible boat limit), except he caught his mostly just north/west of Tatoosh. Big minus tides weren't helping things. We would have fished toay as well, but high winds sent us home 1/2 day early.
Tackle: Skag rocks we took 2 fish on green/white coyote spoons behind flasher, plus 2 on naked cut plug herring trolled on surface rod (4-5 oz. lead) in between the two downriggers. The really hot fishing out front on the ocean, we got all of our fish on flasher with herring in green helmet, about 5' leaders. The ocean fishing we dropped down lower & cuaght the kings at 65' to 72', this also helped to cut down on the coho catch since we were really after the kings. We did better than most, as all of the real good fishing reguired going off shore at least 4-5 miles or running up to Swiftsure. If you want them, i got some gps coordinates for where we went out on the ocean, just email me.

Biggest supprise of the trip, there are virtually no coho being caught inside of Tatoosh yet, despite efforts of many to target them. I was there same dates last year & coho were everywhere inside the straights. You were suprised if you went more than 5-10 minutes without a fish on, double headers were common & fish were jumping/finning in large schools. This year, none! We didn't find any coho until we ran out on the ocean. Others we talked with were seeing the exact same thing, so it wasn't me!

If you go, listen to the marine weather forcasts, most days are great there, but can get pretty nasty when it wants to.